3. The Art Of Being Wild

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Marceline smirked at Bonnie. It was hilarious to watch her try to pick up the beat of the music. Plus Marceline could practically see the nervousness bouncing off of her. Who knew the princess of the Candy Kingdom could get nervous. "Hey Bon bon you look like a fish out of water." Marceline teased. Bubblegum burned a bright red "Shut up Ms.I can groove." 

Marceline laughed at her bad comeback, and grabbed her by the arms. "Hey what the!" Bubblegum yelled. "Shush I'm going to teach you how to dance fishy." 

Bubblegum stuck her tongue out at Marceline, but let her help her anyway. "First of all let go of that stick up your ass movements, and try to flow." 

Bonnibel rolled her eyes at the annoying comment "I don't have a stick up my ass blood sucker." 

"Whatever you say Fish." Marceline replied. Bubblegum huffed and tried to relax and flow, but in the process she tripped taking Marceline down with her. Marcy looked up only to find a very flustered princess straddling her. Marceline swore that if she had a heart, it would be beating a hundred miles an hour. Her mind felt blank and empty and the only thing she could think to say was "Can't keep your hands of me Bonnibel?" 

This earned her a slap on the cheek. Pb scrambled of of her, and looked at the dirt covered floor of the forest. "S-sorry." she stuttered out. "It's cool." rambled Marceline. After that incident the night was filled with tension, and Marceline resisted the urge to pounce her. After an hour of trying to teach PB how dance Marceline started to get hungry. "Hey Bonnie I'm going to go get some snacks, I will be right back." Marcy said disappearing in the crowd. Princess Bubblegum let out breath of air, and decided to go find a table to sit at. After a few minutes Bubblegum go thirsty so she went came up, so she went to the bar. Bonnibel went up, and asked for a water. The person working at the bar laughed "Sweety how bout you try something better!" 

Princess Bubblegum cocked her eyebrow "What do you mean?" 

The woman laughed, and handed her a red drink. Bubblegum accepted it, and took a sip the taste was delicious. Now Princess Bubblegum had a weakness for anything that was good, so she went and ordered three more. She walked over to a table, and chugged down the glasses. Unbeknownst to her it was alcohol. Marceline came back thirty minutes later to a very pink and giggly Bonnibel. "What the hell happened to you, you reek of strawberry martinis."(yes its a thing). "I-I dunno what you.. you are talkin about Mar Mar, I had some really good thingie and.." 

Marceline let out a heavy sigh, and went over to her. "That's alcohol hun." she said blankly. Bubblegum let out a giggle, and quick as a flash wrapped arms around Marceline. "No wonder I feel so weird, I kinda I kinda..... wanna kiss youuuu." Bubblegum blurted out. Marceline let out a very heavy sigh "It's time to get you home princess." 

"Nooooo I like it hereee." protested the drunken princess. She booped Marcy on her nose, and stumbled away. Marceline growled, and chased after her. It didn't take too long for her to catch her, and when she did Bonnibel passed out in her arms.

The Vampire Queen scooped up Bonnibel in her strong arms. She slowly floated away from the scene of the party, all the while listening to PB's steady heartbeat. Marceline looked down at her sleeping form, and she was stricken with how beautiful she looked. To Marceline she looked like a goddess, and she really wanted to..... Quickly she shook her lust driven thoughts away, and instead focused on getting them to the Candy Kingdom safely. They arrived around 4 in the morning, and Marceline had to sneak in through a window so they wouldn't get caught. Bubblegum was still fast asleep when Marcy placed her into her bed. As the Queen of the Night was about to leave, she heard the rustling of bed sheets. "Marceline come here." said the groggy princess. She complied and floated over to her. 

"Thank you for tonight, it was really... exciting." PB said. Marceline gave her a toothy smile and was about to leave, but Bubblegum grabbed her hand. "W-what do you-" Marceline was cut off by the drunken princess giving her a kiss on the lips. Marceline froze up at her affections, her mind screamed at her to stop. The princess was drunk, if she continued she would be taking advantage of her! She tried to pull away, but she kept being drawn in by the stunning princess. Marceline finally gave up, and returned Bubblegum's kisses. It got very heated, and eventually she had to pull back to give Bonnibel air. Marceline looked down at her, her face was a very deep pink, and her lips were bruised. Guilt swept over the queen like a tidal wave. "Bonnie I-I gotta go." she said solemnly. PB looked up at her, and then slowly lowered her head against the pillow. Her face was full of confusion, but she accepted it. "O-okay Marcy..." she replied slowly. Marceline backed away from the bed, and exited her room through a window. She looked back one last time, and almost kicked herself. Bubblegum looked so distraught and confused, but she knew it was for the best. Marceline knew she couldn't love right now, so it was the best thing she could do. Besides what could such a wonderful person like Bonnie see in such a terrible person like her? Hot tears streamed down Marceline's face as she sped away from the kingdom. 

Hey guys, so after a month or so an update! This was a hard chapter to write, but I feel like something like this should have happened. Also this book will have ten or so chapters, so that's why it is a bit fast paced. Well I hope you enjoy! Also if you want faster updates vote and comment please. 

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