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(First off I will say, I am highly upset with Jamal and his new 'boo' so it was Michael and Jamal in the studio not the producer guy)

        Malia is sitting in the living room planning her wedding colors to Hakeem when there is a knock at the door, she gets up with her bowl of cookie dough ice cream with lots of whip cream and cake batter and makes her way to the door. Looking through the peephole she sees its Rhonda.

"Hey Rhonda come in" she says stepping aside and letting her in.

     Rhonda looks really upset and agitated as she taps her fingers together, they make their way to the living room and sit down by each other.

"Hey what's wrong" Malia asks? Rhonda has become like her older sister, they look out for one another.

"I found out that my miscarriage was planned, I was pushed down the stairs" Rhonda says.

"Oh my god! Do you know by who" Malia asks rubbing her stomach.

"Anika" Rhonda says.

"Wait Boo Boo Kitty" Malia asks?

"Yes I don't why but I remember the shoes of my attacker and she has the exact same ones" Rhonda says.

"Did you tell Andre" Malia asks?

"No, not yet. They are pretty busy with family things" Rhonda says.

"Hey you are family too, you are Rhonda Lyon and we love you" Malia says setting down her ice cream and pulling Rhonda into a firm hug.

"I don't understand, my baby didn't do anything wrong" Rhonda says as tears fill her eyes and her voice cracks.

"I know honey, I know" Malia says rubbing her back.

"What if she tries to harm you or the twins" Rhonda asks?

"She will not lie a finger on our babies, maybe we should report her" Malia says pulling away.

"No, I can't then Hakeem won't see his child" Rhonda says.

"She needs to pay for what happened" Malia states.

"I just need to lie down...can I have some ice cream" Rhonda asks?

"Yes take my bowl, I'm full anyway" Malia says and Rhonda nods taking off of her jacket and grabbing the bowl before making her way to a nearby guest room around the corner.

     Malia closes her laptop and rubs her temples, she looks up to see Hakeem standing in the doorway looking at her.

"How much did you hear" she asks?

"Enough" he states.

"I'm sorry Hakeem" Malia says.

"Just don't" he says and makes his way upstairs to the guest room.

     Malia makes sure the alarm is set and the doors is locked before following behind him, he pulling off his shoes and his coat. She closes the door behind her and crosses her arms.

"We need to discuss this" she says.

"Let it go" Hakeem says.

"Your nephew was murdered by your ex fling and you want me to let it go? You sound like a monster" she barks.

"Damn it Malia" he yells slamming his palm against the wall.

"Don't yell at me! Anika pushed Rhonda down the stairs and killed her baby, that's murder Hakeem and you are defending her" she barks.

"That's not what I said" he states pulling off his shirt.

"Then what do you call it? An innocent life was taken for no reason other than jealousy and envy" she yells at his back.

"Just shut up" he yells at her turning around and she sees unshed tears in his eyes.

"What if it was our child that she killed? Would you still defend her" Malia asks softly and Hakeem eyes soften as they flicker down to her stomach and then back to her face.

"Don't ask me stupid questions" he states.

"Maybe I already know the answer" she states.

"Are you saying I would let my children die" he accuses.

"All I'm saying is that no matter what Lucious may do, or what he says and who he is. He thought he was doing what he had to do to protect his family and you keep you safe, I honestly don't know if you're doing the same thing. As long as Anika is around, I don't want her or her child near me or mine" Malia says and grabs a blanket with the letter L stitched into it in gold legged; a gift from Luscious.

"They are siblings" Hakeem states.

"A cold-hearted murderer, can not possibly care about rather our kids are siblings are not. She just wants to be a Lyon" Malia says and walks out of the room closing the door behind her. She makes her way downstairs as her phone rings, grabbing it from the living room table she puts it to her ear only to be rewarded by moaning and things crashing. She looks at the phone and sees it's Michael before putting it back to her ear.

"Michael" she asks only to get a loud moan in response. She gags and hands up before tossing her phone on the couch, she is going to yell at Jamal and Michael for scarring her for life. Placing her hands on her stomach, she thinks about how crazy her life has been since getting involved with Hakeem.

"I may regret some decisions I made with your daddy, but I will never regret you guys. If I have to leave town to protect you both, so be it" she says not noticing Hakeem listening to her from the staircase and now he knows that he has to choose between Anika and Malia.

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