Sketches~Dick Grayson x Reader

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First Part WOO

Y/N-Your Name

F/C- Favorite Color


H/C- Hair Color

F/S- Favorite Show

While writing this I thought the song would go great with it

You are both in College

Your eyes stayed glued onto the F/C laptop. You had a 20 page paper due in a few days, not to mention it had to be a biography, and you still hadn't found anyone to write about.

Your E/C glanced at your sketch pad. It had a unfinished drawing of your best friend Nightwing. Everything except for the mask, since it was already established after tons and of begging you won't see his face, you decided to draw the mask, but you needed to examine it more closely. 

A soft tap erupted you from your thoughts. "Took you long enough" you grinned facing the window. Instead of a cocky grin and mop of Raven hair, raindrops flew onto your window. You huffed at how the universe could be so cruel.

You thought back to your project, most of your friends were doing family members and retired veterans. You were adopted. In fact your adoptive parents were always traveling, leaving you with a snooty 12 year old boy, who you've grown quite close to. The only reason they adopted you is because you were mature enough to be home alone, they didn't have time for babies, and Jackson needed a friend.

The rain had grew heavier and louder. Great, a thunderstorm, just what you need. Note the sarcasm.

You brushed some H/C hair from your face and sat crossed leg on your bed. Jackson was now 17 and off in California or something, he dropped out of collage. As much as you hate the reckless guy, he was the closest thing to family you had.

A knock came from your friend and you turned to face a cocky grin and mop of wet Raven hair. Without hesitation you opened your bedroom window and pulled the vilegante inside. "So not asterous out there" he chuckled. You roles your eyes and tossed him a F/S blanket, which he would usually tease you about, but accepted silently for once.

"Hey Boy Wonder" you teased, remembering how he used to talk on the rooftops with you as Robin, before you moved. He shot a playful glare at you. "You know there is a perfectly good door too". He ran his fingers through his hair.

"I Know"

You sighed. Nightwing glanced around your room. A one bedroom apartment near campus was hard to find in Bludhaven, and at a good price too. It wasn't the piles of textbooks and papers on your desk he had noticed, it was in fact your unfinished sketch.

A slight blush had threatened to come to your cheeks, and you succumbed to let it, not like you could hide it. You weren't the best artist, not the worst either.

'Since when do I care about what he thinks' you thought, scolding yourself mentally.

You were always so independent, growing up you had taught yourself and learned with no help, and were also to stubborn to ask for it.

"This is really good"


Your eyes widened and blush intensified. Did he just compliment your art. It was only half finished, and the sketch lines were still visible, you hadn't even started the head.

"But my body is way hotter"

You threw a pillow at the black and blue hero. Instantly regretting it since he was still wet in most places. "Its only a sketch Bird Brain" you shot back at Nightwing. You basically had a list of names for him, from Blue Bird to WingDing. "I just need to see your mask".

"You already know the answer Y/N"

"But Birdie"

"But N/N" he mimicked in a high pitched voice

That was it for you. You took two hair ties and put your H/C hair into pigtails (if you cant just ruffle it to make it look messy).

"N/N what are you doi-"

He paused and looked at your face. Before him were the cutest eyes and innocent smile. You hadn't used this trick ever since you were 13. You could see him stiffen, trying to not give in to those E/C eyes and smile.

"Please, I promise I wont tell" you said in a small voice. The Vilegante had to hold back from hugging you like a small child. Props of being short. He groaned and muttered something under his breath, along the lines of "gonna regret this".


You squealed and grabbed your sketchbook and pencil. Hearing him chuckle you snapped back to your senses.

You sat crossed legged on your bed while Nightwing smirked. "Dont let my looks blind you" he smirked. You scoffed and glared at him signaling for him to hurry.

As the bird in blue pulled off his mask you gasped. A sudden outburst of Thunder made you jump.

Blue. Two piercing blue eyes stared at you with amusement.

Instead of gawking at his features, like any other girl would do, you went straight to sketching.


"And" you paused for dramatic effect "Done"

You handed the thick book to the vigilante. Who had a child like grin on his face the entire time. You turned away to organize your workspace. Which had many coloring materials and brushes scattered across it. Even if you didn't clean it, you could organize it.

"You know Blue Bird" you began, brushing some eraser pieces away "You are a great model". You turned to face his blue eyes in hope he didn't put his mask on just yet.

Instead you were left once again alone. Your Sketchbook was on your bed.

'Something important must of came up' You sighed.

Your E/C once again settled on the book. "At least I can sketch still" you mumbled to yourself, reaching for the large book.

Wait. Where was your drawing!?! Next to your book was his mask. Did he, No....


I really have nothing to say, except I LOVE THE COVER

I really have nothing to say, except I LOVE THE COVER

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Stay Whelmed My Peeps!


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