Chapter 17- the world knows

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***Wednesday, March 15th 2012. 5:00pm California time***

Kati’s POV:

The service was amazing. I actually cried. Tears of joy, of course. I even saw my dad cry. I can’t believe he has actually found someone he fell in love with again. After the service, we all had a wonderful meal at the porch on the side of the chapel.

Currently, Devin and I are getting ready for tonight. We don’t have to change, just pick up some stuff for the party. I was the one responsible for the table and room decorating, so Devin is dropping me off. I hop and a thank him. He nods, winks, and then drives off. What a boy.

I walk into the giant tent and see the bins full of the items on the dance floor. I pop them open to see what’s inside.

The party is set in a forest. It has a red tent in the far left corner and about 50 round tables that fit 10 per person. It’s crazy how many people they have invited. The only way I can describe this setting is absolutely magnificent! {picture on my twitter: @zayngels63}

I manage to decorate the whole thing in 2 hours. That’s pretty surprising if you ask me! Soon, guest started arriving. It’s getting really crowded really fast. Then I see a white limo pull up. I guess my dad has arrived.

My dad and Jenny both climb out of the car and walk up. I bring them to their table and they sit down. I sit in between Ashley and Claire. We all start to talk and then I realize that we have all finished dinner and it was time for my speech. I walk up to the “stage” and turn the microphone on. I pat the top to get everyone’s attention. And I begin.

“Hello everyone. I’m Kati but most of you I have met. Well, I am here in honor of my father and his new partner. I am very proud to call him my dad. He has been through a lot, starting with the death of my mother and my brother, Sean, leaving. And we do all wish he could be here today. Jenny is such a strong women and I cannot wait to have a mother again. Yes, she won’t be like my real mother, but she sure is close. Well, my point is, is that, Jenny, you are going to be a fantastic stepmother. Thank you for making our family happy. Love you lots. Cheers” I finish off and everybody repeats the word and clinks their glasses together. This night is perfect!

I get home around 11:00pm and head straight to bed. I am exhausted from all of the decorating and planning. Now that this wedding is behind us I can relax. Yay! No more stress. I let out a deep breath that I’ve been holding in since Jenny had start to plan.

I quickly change a crawl in bed. Devin is already in there sleeping. I slip under the covers and drift off to sleep. I fell his arm wrap around me waist. I push farther back so his warm chest is hitting my back. I smile and then everything goes black.

 ***Next Day***

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. Devin has already left for the gym so I moan as I roll over to the, now cold, side of the bed to grab my phone. I clear my throat before I answer.

“Hello?” I say. I can hear it myself that I have no tolerance what so ever currently.

“Hello? Kati?” I nod at the lady’s response but then I remember that she can’t see me so I simply say ‘yes?’ back.

“Why hello there! It’s Ellen DeGeneres!” I hear the cheerful lady say. My eyes go wide. I gather my thoughts and answer.

“Oh yes! Of course! Hi! How are you?” I say a little more excited now.

“I’m good. Just fine! Actually, I have a question…” She trails off. I wait for her to continue but now I realize I should give her permission.

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