{ Chapter 4 } No More Mr Nice Guy

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*warning sexual content featured in this chapter* 

- Hera -

As I continue this developing routine of blocking out my kidnapper, my mind starts to wonder farther away. Thoughts have been racing in my mind ever since I've arrived here. I've thought up scenario after scenario, as to what could have happened to the people back home. A part of me deep down had this sinking feeling that they were all dead. And the very thought shook me to my bones. If they were all killed, what's going to happen to me? Will they kill me too?

My eyes grow wide and I start to panic, my breathing becomes frantic. I start to rub at my arms, trying to calm myself down. But the more I tried to do that, the more scared I start to feel. Maybe thats why Cole was so insistent in feeding me, they must have been planning to poison my food. I stare at the tray and kick it off the table, letting the contents spill on the marble floor.

I'm not safe here.

But as I start to devise another plan of escape, Cole comes bursting through the door and locks eyes with me. His pale blue eyes, pierced my very soul and ignited this strange feeling inside of me. The feeling so unusual that it scares me. I break away from his gaze and hold myself tighter, letting my eyes fall to the floor.

"What happened here?" His deep and sultry voice asks. The sound of it sent shivers down my spine, it was probably a bad sign. I stay silent, frozen in place.

Cole sighs. "We didn't put anything in there if that's what you're thinking." He says, like as if he had completely read my mind. My body tenses and I try to make myself smaller out of fear. He was probably lying, no kidnapper would treat their victim so kindly. He had an ulterior motive, I know he did.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you" He says while calmly making his way towards me. I start to move back as he does, moving my chair far away from him as possible.

"You killed my family." I say in a defeated voice, but as these words start circling my mind, I find myself growing angry. He killed them. He killed them. He killed them. "YOU LEFT THEM THERE TO DIE! You killed the ones who cared! The ones who kept me alive! Was that your plan? Take me away from them and watch me die as my disease eats me up alive?!"

My eyes are start to tear up but that doesn't stop me from glaring daggers at him. His composure changes and I see anger build up inside him. He balls his hands up, trying to control his shaking rage. I was scared, but I didn't show it. I don't want to die cowering.

"THEY WERE NOT KEEPING YOU ALIVE! THEY WERE KILLING YOU FROM THE INSIDE!" He growls, taking step after step, closer to me. "They fed you poison to seal your wolf, to make you weak. They didn't care about you for shit. They were using you. Get. That. Through. Your. Head."

My eyes widen and I start to grow confused. They were killing me? I shake that thought away and let the tears fall out my eyes. He's lying, I know he is. "Don't lie to me! They were healing me! How dare you say that without knowing—"

"I'm afraid to say this, but Cole is right." A voice interrupts, we turn to see an elderly lady standing by the door, watching us intently. "My dear child, you were not being healed. You were being sealed."

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