Firebird (Mirstie)

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[There is two parts to this]


As I wait for the curtain to pull up, my anxiety rises. For were only around ten minutes from performing.

I'm preforming one of my favorite ballets firebird, just without a duet partner. Since he decided not to show up.

I'm on the side wings watching other's perform. I'm loaded with stress.

"Kirstie, relax he's gonna be here." Scott says rubbing my shoulders. "I wish everything would just hurry up and be over with." I say, a tear escaping my eye.

Scott pulls me in for a hug as I see my ballet teacher running towards me.

"Kirstin, come with me now, Mitchell is running late, but he called." Mrs. Albony says as she pulls me away from Scott, off the stage and into the hallway, Scott following shortly behind.

"Here I know you didn't have much time to stretch, so stretch and go over things with Scott." Mrs. Albany tells me.

"What about the performance? We're on in seven minutes." I ask. "I asked to move more people before you. You have time." Mrs. Albany says.

"Can't I just perform firebird with Scott?" I ask Mrs. Albany. "No." Mrs. Albany responded. "Why?" I ask. "Scott doesn't have the costume and Mitch isn't here, we don't have time now." Mrs. Albany responds

"Now warm up I have to go right now, I'll be back in a little." Mrs. Albany says as she runs off.

I sigh, and tighten my pointe shoes, knowing what might happen if I don't.

I stretch, then I go over parts of the dance with Scott.

"Kirst, if you don't straighten your back here there's a good chance you could fracture it." Scott tells me.

"Kirstie, I'm here." I hear a voice from across the hall and footsteps that sound like running.

Scott and I stop dancing and I turn around to see none other than Mitch. I roll my eyes at him. "You're late, we have to go over the parts that we couldn't get right." I say annoyed by his presence.

"Kirst relax, you'll do fine." Scott reassures me and kisses my shoulder as he hugs me goodbye.

"So, you and Scott?" Mitch asks me with raised eyebrows.

I roll my eyes at him and say "no, we're best friends. Get out of my business."

God I hate him.

I grab my dance bag out of the car and wave goodbye to my friend Alecia as she pulls out of the parking lot.

I walk in and sit down and start putting on my pointe shoes.

"Hey Kirst." I hear a deep voice coming from down the hall. The voice comes closer as to reveal its Scott.

"Hey Scottland." I smile at him as he places a friendly kiss on my cheek.

"How's those private classes treating ya." I ask Scott. "They're alright, she's so much harsher on me than anyone else besides Mitchell." Scott informs me.

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