Chapter 4

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After that brief visit from Yonghwa, Seohyun couldn't focus on her work anymore. All she kept thinking was how one person could change completely and how much she was affected by Yonghwa's mere presence. She didn't want to admit it but she was affected, in fact too much affected.

A knock from her door woke her up from her trance, she quickly gained composure.

"Come in" she says calmly

"What were you doing? I've been knocking for 3 minutes already" Yoona complains as she enters her office.

"Oh sorry" A said Seohyun apologetically "what is it that you want?"

"What?" Yoona says slightly gaping at her

"It's almost 1:30pm. Don't tell me you forgot you're going to eat lunch?" She adds

Seohyun looks at the clock hanging beside her desk and looks at Yoona sheepishly.

"Sorryyyy. I'm going to pack up and we're going. Meet you at the lobby. Kay?" She says sweetly at her annoyed cousin

"Uhhh. Fine! But only because I love you. 3 minutes okay?" She says annoyed and smiling

"Yep! You're the best! See you in 3" she says as Yoona walks outside her office.

Seohyun quickly grabs her phone, wallet, keys, everything she needs and shoves them in her bag. She checks herself in the mirror on her way out and dashes to the elevator towards the lobby.

She runs to Yoona as soon as she spots her. Yoona waves her hand at her motioning her to come towards her. But as soon as she did, she sees Yonghwa appearing behind Yoona and it was too late to turn back because he was looking straight at her. She sighs and walks over.

"Seohyun-ah!" Yoona links her arms with hers as soon she reaches them

"Hey" Yonghwa greets her

"Hi" she says shortly "So where are we eating?" She looks at Yoona and ignores Yonghwa in the process

"Uhhhh..." Yoona starts but was cut off by Yonghwa

"I made reservations for three at the Italian restaurant two blocks away from here. I could drive us there" Yonghwa looks at Seohyun intently as if watching and waiting for her response

"Huh? Pardon me, but did you just say for three and US?" Seohyun looks at him questioningly

Yonghwa just continued looking at her and suddenly he bursts out laughing, like genuinely laughing.

"What's funny?" Seohyun asks him completely offended

"Sorry... I... Just... Your face..." Yonghwa says through his fit of giggles and Yoona was snickering beside Seohyun too.

"Stop laughing. People are looking" she says through gritted teeth, one thing that Seohyun hates is being talked about by people around her

"Sorry about that" Yonghwa says as he gained back his composure "It's just that you looked so funny like that" he continues.

"Like what?" Seohyun asks still obviously annoyed

"Nothing, never mind what I said" Yonghwa now back to his old self

"Come on you guys" Yoona dragged Seohyun and Yonghwa to the elevator before it closes as it arrives

Silence was drifting through air like poison.

"What is that smell? Is that a Clive Christian perfume sent?" Seohyun suddenly says out of the blue

"You know your expensive perfumes well Joohyun. Yes, it is Clive Christian perfume and it's my perfume" Yonghwa looks at her amusingly

"It's Seohyun, please call me Seohyun. Yes, I know my expensive perfumes well Yonghwa" she says grudgingly

Yoona who was looking at the two just keeps on smiling secretly as she observes them.

"Did your boyfriends wear Clive Christian too? If so, they must have been filthy rich then" Yonghwa was now enjoying teasing Seohyun while smirking

Seohyun who was scowling at first was now grim and did not answer anymore.

Yoona who sensed the atmosphere suddenly changed answered for Seohyun instead.

"Joohyun only had one boyfriend her entire life and it turns out he was an asshole" Yoona's voice suddenly had daggers in them

"Oh" was all Yonghwa could say

And the ride down the Parking lot was quieter than ever.

[Italian Restaurant]

"I'll just have a Ravioli Salad" Seohyun says while looking at the waiter who was obviously stunned by her and Yoona

"Salad? What are you herbivore?" Yoona interjects her and looks at the waiter flirtatiously "I'll have Chicken cordon Bleu please"

"Gin and Tonic; Hendricks if you have it otherwise Bombay, cucumber with the Hendricks, lime with the Bombay" Yonghwa says glaring at the waiter who was looking at Seohyun nonstop. "And I'll have Medium rare steak please"

"Y...Yes sir" the waiter finally stutters and bows toward Yonghwa then scurries off towards the kitchen.

"Well that was awkward" Yoona says and sighs

"What was awkward?" Seohyun who was oblivious to everything asked

"Are you serious? That waiter almost wants to eat you up alive" Yonghwa says obviously mad

"Why are you getting mad at me? Was I the one staring?" Seohyun shots back at him

"No, but you were the one being stared at" Yonghwa says through gritted teeth

"Mind your own business Yonghwa" Seohyun glares at him

"Fine then" Yonghwa half shouts at her and turns his back childishly

Yoona became flustered at the exchange of her two friends but stayed silent even when their order arrived. The lunch that was supposed to be fun was now deadly silent even with Seohyun wolfing down her salad.

"Excuse me, I need the comfort room" Yoona says quietly and stood up.

A minute passed and finally, Yonghwa who couldn't take the silence anymore sighed loudly which Seohyun chose to ignore.

As Seohyun finally finished her food, she sat down quietly without saying anything or moving.

Suddenly Yonghwa leaned across the table towards Seohyun whose eyes widened at the action. He leaned in closer and closer until their lips are only inches away. Seohyun was looking at Yonghwa eye to eye, her lips parted in automatic response, she was about to close her eyes when she saw Yonghwa suddenly smirked, he put his thumb at the corner of her lips and wiped a smeared salad dressing.

"Next time you go all bitchy on me, make sure there's no salad dressing left on your lips" Yonghwa leaned away still smirking at the now red faced Seohyun.

"Jerk" Seohyun whispered quietly but enough so that Yonghwa could hear

"Yonghwa 1, Seohyun 0" he says smiling despite himself while looking at Seohyun's scowling face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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