Chapter 1

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Leaves were rustling, the cold wind was blowing. She could feel someone was poking her cheek.

"Joohyun. Wake up" a voice of a boy whispers

She opens her eyes and she sees him smiling down at her, she smiles back.

"You're here" she says shyly

"Of course I'm here" the boy flicks her forehead playfully

"Owww" she whines

"C'mon sleepy head, get up. The others are waiting for us" the boy gets up and runs away

Joohyun looks around her; she didn't realize that they were inside a forest. The forest where they always play. She smiles and runs after him; her dress flowing majestically behind her.

"Wait for me" she shouts as she sprints in between the tall trees.

"Hurry up slow poke" she could hear him up front

Finally, she arrives at a beautiful meadow covered with pink, yellow, purple and red flowers. At the distance were three more boys and three girls sitting on the grass and happily smiling. They look towards her, and beckons her to join them, without hesitation she ran towards them and joins in on the laughter.

Light floods through the window of her bedroom, she could feel the sun's heat on her skin, she groans and pulls the blanket up to her head and decides to go back to sleep. But not a moment too soon, three consecutive knocks at the door can be heard clearly.

"Yes I'm coming" she shouts half-awake to the person who woke her up.

Footsteps can be heard as the person starts to walk away.

Pulling down the blanket, she opens her eyes and let things sink in her mind. She sits up and breathes in deeply.

"The first day of work and it's that dream again" she says emotionlessly.

Forcing herself to get up, she heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After a thorough examination of her face in the mirror, she decides that she looked decent enough for her first day of work. Needless to say that "Decent" was an understatement.

She heads down to the dining table, grabs a toast and heads out of the door in a flash.

She drives down to a tall building and to the carpark.

"You can do this Joohyun! You can do this! After all, how hard can a Temporary President of the company be? Right?" she repeats the words like a mantra, trying to convince herself; or so she believes she was.

Finally, she gets down from her car, heads to the elevator and presses the button to the 10th Floor.

The elevator stops at the 2nd Floor and a man in his coat and tie who could be mistaken as the owner of the company enters the elevator. If her father wasn't the owner of this company, she herself could have thought of the guy was the owner.

The man about to press a button but stops midway and looks at her.

"Are you heading to the 10th floor?" The man asks with an icy cold voice.

She was shocked and thought Is he talking to me? But of course he's talking to me, there's only the two of us here. She stops herself from rolling her eyes at her thought.

"Yes" she answers shortly

"Why? What business do you happen to have there?" He asks coldly

"I was told to do so. And I don't think it's any of your business anyway" she smiles sweetly at him. Arrogant bastard she thought to herself

He stared at her with daggers in his eyes but fortunately says nothing.

*ding* the elevator finally arrives at the 10th floor

The man gets off first and heads left, she gets off too and stared at his back while walking away.

*sigh* too bad he was arrogant. He could have been close to Christian Grey. She shakes her head what the hell are you thinking Joohyun! Get your head straight!

And finally walks to the left side of the floor where a double-door greets her. She knock and opens it without any hesitation.

"Baby! You're here" a man in his late 50's stands up from his table and greets her.

"Yes father, I'm here. And please, don't call me baby here. That's only allowed at home remember?" she scolds her father but hugs him

He chuckles at her daughter's cute outburst.

"Alright. Alright. I'm sorry, Joohyun" he smiles at his daughter sweetly

"Good" she smiles back at him

"You're room will be at the left side of this floor" her father was firing instructions to her one after another

She could only nod and sigh at the same time. By the time that they were done, it was almost 10:30am.

"Did you get everything?" her father finally asked; a hint that her father was finished.

She smiled brightly and stood up "Yes" she answered

"Very good" her father answered back

He presses the intercom button on his desk and says, "Minah, please send Yoona in now."

"Yes sir." A voice on the other side answers

Hearing the name makes her heart jump with joy and looks at the door excitedly.

"Yoonnaaaaa!" She squeals as soon as the door opens

"Seohyun!" And they started squealing at each other

Yoona who is Joohyun's close cousin and best friend since childhood also works at the company and calls her by the name Seohyun.

"Hey! Keep it down you two." Joohyun's father slightly laughs.

"Sorry" both of the girls apologizes at the time and then giggled.

"You're dismissed for the morning Joohyun, you can take your lunch. But be back by 1pm" her father announces

"Yes father" she says brightly and hugged him goodbye

The two girls went out of the room and towards the closing elevator.

"Oh no! It's closing!" Joohyun runs and holds out her hand just in time before the door closes. She looks up and sees the same cold eyes looking at her uninterestingly.

"Oh! Yonghwa it's you. Good Morning" Yoona greets the man inside the elevator who only nods at her.

Upon hearing Yoona mention the name, she stares at the man in front of her. Chills ran down her spine and her world went to a full stop. "Yonghwa?"

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