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Maddy made Rhii write this -.- and Maddy shall be disappointed, becase Rhii cba with fan fictions anymore (a)


This was it. I froze, my heart in my mouth, looking straight into the eyes of what I knew could only be my demise. As soon as I smelt the foul, putrid stench of rotting flesh I knew exactly what was coming. Why me? Why is it always me? What have I ever done to deserve any of this?

                Swallowing my fears I looked up, naïvely hoping that I was wrong, that this wasn’t going to happen. Childish.

“So, you have come to me,” the familiar voice leered in the darkness. I knew that voice. The tone and tenor set every cell in my body on edge in expectation and dread. Why wouldn’t he just do it? Spare me the agony of anticipation… Obviously not, it’s not in his nature to show mercy, care or compassion.

                My last thought was of George. What would he think, would he actually care?

                “George, I love you!” I shouted as a flash of blinding green light took over my senses and I fell limply to the floor…


Soooo… What happens next? No idea, haven’t thought that far ahead yet :L All I can say for definite is that we will be introduced to three more characters based on people I know and love <3. Please comment saying what you think J

The title is the title of a song by Paramore (which I do not own), but it’s a great song by a great band! :D


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