Chapter 1 ~ Friends Reunited

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~<3~ Chapter 1 ~<3~

Rhii’s POV

                “Have you got your robes? Oh heavens, I hope you’ve got everything! No trouble this year, I don’t want more letters home!” Rambled my mother.

                “Mum, chill! I’ve survived the first three years without dying, falling ridiculously behind or getting expelled,” I replied to my still dithering mum. She means well, I know that, but sometimes she’s so bloody annoying!

“I may not be your typical Ravenclaw,” hell, I’ve had more letters home in one year than my cousin did in the seven that she was at Hogwarts! “But I think I have enough about me to remember the clothes that I’ll be wearing until Christmas!” That seemed to pacify her long enough for me to hug her one last time and get on the huge scarlet steam train that would take me away from everything that I hated and back to my true home.

“Write to me!” My mum shouted after me as the train gathered speed. “Behave, try your best, stay out of trouble,” she continued, but I was already zoned out so didn’t hear her.

                As the train finally left king’s cross I grabbed my small handbag and scoured the compartments for my best friends. After what seemed like a mile of glass plated doors caging in nut jobs ranging from the average boneheaded Hufflepuff to an unfamiliar Slytherin boy who was attempting in vain to capture the attention of some fifth year Ravenclaw girls I recognised as Cho and Marietta, I banged on the door of the compartment in which a blonde Slytherin girl and a light brunette Gryffindor were sat. After a second of them staring in confusion through the window, something about my appearance or posture triggered a memory and their faces both lit up into identical scenes of pleasure, which I mirrored as I walked in.

                “Rhii, you’re a redhead again!” Maddy exclaimed shortly after I (obviously extremely gracefully and intentionally) faceplanted the window.

                “Well done Maddy, observant as ever,” Shanny teased, her eyes appearing over the top of a Rupert Grint book.

                “Oh Shanny, please tell me you’re not still obsessed with him,” I pleaded, on the verge to facepalming “He’s ginger for heaven’s sake! Ginger!”  As soon as I brought up the ginger issue she dropped her book and glared at me… If I’m being honest, she genuinely scares me. Seriously, if you start on Rupert then she will bite you; I still have the scars on my wrist from last year when I asked if he’s as stupid as he looks. “Alright, fine, he’s not too bad… For a ginger,” At this she laughed and I sat opposite her and Maddy in the seat by the window.

                “Anyone seen Mikey?” I asked after I finished nibbling a cookie.

                “Nope, not since the end of last year, why did you not see him over the summer?” Maddy answered yawning slightly.

                “No, couldn’t make it over… Oh well, he’ll be around somewhere… Hopefully,” I said frowning slightly and pulled my sketchbook out.

                Me being me, I got bored of attempting to draw a flower about 10 minutes after I started and dropped my book on the floor. I looked at my two best friends, who were currently debating over who’s fitter out of Rupert Grint (sigh) and Oliver Phelps. Bloody fangirls. I rolled my eyes and must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I seemed to get the feeling that I’d missed a lot…. Oh yeah, I had.

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