Chapter 3 ~ To Find A Jigglypuff

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~<3~ Chapter 3 ~<3~

Maddy’s POV

                Why… Why… Why!? What was with his obsession with me! Ever since I turned him down  in my second year he’s been like obsessed with me… Nutter.

                “Get lost Diggory,” I warned, refusing to get provoked.

                “Please Maddy… I love you, please just give me a chance,” He begged, his eyes wide and sad. Ah jeez, I’m useless when I does that. Right, I’m not going to turn to jelly, I don’t like him, he annoys me… But he IS hot… No, he’s weird… Oh crap.

                “Cedric, get the message, she’s not interested! None of us are, go crawl back to your hair gel store and leave us alone!” Shanny piped up, she always knows when to say something. I smiled with gratitude to her, but he wasn’t moving.

                “Maddy, I love you… I don’t care that you’re blonde and in Slytherin, none of that matters,” He continued to beg, but instead of softening me, these words pissed me off.

                “Wait, so you’re saying that what I am doesn’t matter to you… The genes that make me blonde and a Slytherin don’t matter, that you just ignore parts of who I am!? Screw you, bloody jigglypuff sparklepire,” I ranted and winked at Shan at the words “jigglypuff sparklepire” ahh, good old AVPM, gotta love it.

                “I… I beg your pardon, what the hell is a jigglypuff..!?” He asked, blatantly confused, as per usual.

                “What’s a Hufflepuff? Except good finders?” I countered, starting to laugh along with Shanny. “Seriously, I’m not interested, just go away!”

                “No, I will not just go away! If I can’t have you, no one can!” He shouted and pointed his wand at me. As soon as these words were  out of his mouth there was a flash of red light, a crash and then a pile of plastic Hufflepuffs on the ground.

                “Shanny… What did you do!?” I asked in bewilderment.

                “Well… I kinda learnt a new spell… It turns people into Barbie dolls,” She replied grinning.

                “I knew there was a reason I hang around with you!” I said to her, mirroring her grin. I grabbed Cedric’s now plastic foot and dragged him outside, as Shanny did with one of his unnamed henchmen and closed the door. “Hell, he annoys me! Why me!? I mean you and Rhii both turned him down too!” I moaned to Shanny, who was currently the only other person conscious as Mikey had dozed off leaning against the window, awh.

                “Well, you were the first one he asked… Maybe he asked us as a rebound, to make you jealous,” Shanny said and shrugged. Not seeming too bothered.

                “Yeah, maybe it’s that,” I said sighing. “Wanna play cards? I’m guessing we still have a while to go.” Shanny nodded and I pulled out my battered deck of exploding snap cards and started to set them up on the seat between us, wondering when Rhii and Mikey would wake up, lazy children.


Again, I apologise for my chapters being small, I just can't get any ideas at the moment :@

Credit goes to Maddy (GeorgeWeasleysFiance) for the help getting this chapter going and also nagigng me to start it, love you Maddy!

Chapter 4 should be written within the next few days, most likely uploaded on wednesday, mondays are completley busy for me :L

Keep reading! xoxo

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