Chapter 3

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Once the movie ends we all get up to leave but they boys start begging us to stay.

"No don't leave!"

"Lets play some more games!"

"Taylor please?"

"Yeah! Danielle will you stay if Taylor does?"

"Oh! El will you stay if Dani and Taylor do?"

"Perrie! Will you stay if they stay?"

"Cher will you stay if the others stay?" They all say excitedly causing us to laugh.

"I'm in if the others are." I reply smiling. The boys convince the others to stay too so we all get blankets and pillows to sleep in the living room. Once that's done Liam starts a twitcam.

"Hey guys! We are having a sleep over!" Me and the girls all wave shyly. We have never done a twitcam with the boys and some never a twitcam at all.

"That's Taylor my amazing girlfriend." Says Harry.

"That's El my beautiful Girlfriend."

"That's Perrie my talented girlfriend."

"That's Dani my perfect girlfriend."

"And that's Cher our bestfriend!" I watch Niall as he says this. I can tell he wants to be able to call her his girlfriend and be able to hug her and kiss her. We, and by that I mean the boys, start answering questions.

"Liam, what's famous like?"

"It's amazing although I could do without early hours but if it makes you guys happy we are fine with it."

"Harry! Why did you pick Taylor? Especially when you could have dated Cher again? She is sooo much prettier and its obvious Taylor is a slut." I look down at my lap and Harry takes my hand.

"Because she is beautiful. I love her and if you were a real fan you would accept that."

"Yeah! Taylor is our friend and she is amazing!" Louis chimes in.

"Yeah! and she brings food whenever we ask too." Says Niall smiling. I look over at them and smile. I have the most amazing friends. I laugh because what Niall said is true. I just sit there smiling or laughing everyone in a while when I see a question. "Harry. can I answer a question?" I whisper shyly into his ear.

"Of course!"

"Um.. so to answer you question @1DkicksA** Hate does bother me I admit it. But if being with Harry means I will get nearly 10x's the hate it is worth it. I love him and I want to thank you for supporting us even if others don't. Your an amazing fan." I say smiling. Her question had read: Taylor, does all the hate get to you? Especially when you are doing nothing wrong. All you are doing is dating Harry making another awesome 1D couple. Thank you for making him happy! :)

"Yeah. Thanks for the support it amazing especially when there seems to be so many haters.." Harry says trailing off wearily. After that we all answer some more questions before saying bye. I get my phone and go on twitter. Harry sees this and looks at me with a concerned look. I find the one girl and follow her. "Harry can I have a couple VIP backstage passes to one of your concerts?"

"Yeah why?"

"You'll see." I message the girl and tell her I have some concert tickets for her. I will mail them tomorrow and will meet them to make sure she meets the boys. Harry sees this and smiles. He does one of those hugs from behind things I lean against him. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Now let's see what we are gonna be doing next." We sit down and listen to the conversation. Between complaints of being bored, hungry, and Liam telling us to shut up, its not exactly quiet but finally we order some pizzas and stick in a horror. Halfway through I run out screaming. A few minutes later I hear footsteps behind me. "What do you want?"

"Are you ok?" I turn around to see Harry.

"Yes, it just really scared me."

"It's just a movie you know."

"But it just seems so real..." I reply trailing off.

"I know but I will protect you." Harry says smiling a little. I take his hand and walk back out. I see that Liam made the others watch Toy Story which makes me laugh. This was one..... unique sleep over.

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