Author Note

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So, I may not make a series. :/ If you would like me to make this into a series then please say so. "The Raven Girl" only has about 30 reads and if it doesn't get more I will stop writing it and this will be over when it's over. I would love to do a series but if you guys aren't going to read the other books I won't. My plan for the series are/was:
"Scars" (Haylor)
"The Raven Girl" (Zayn Malik)
"A Drunken Mistake" (Elounor)
"Finding Love" (Liam Payne)
"School Boy Crush" (Niall Horan)
"Forever Love" (Last book about all couples)

So please speak up or I won't publish these stories or update them. (Except for "Scars") Also, please tell others and vote and comment! I know, I'm gonna complain again but bear with me. I have about 21k and can't even get a 1/21 of you guys to vote and comment. I have about 5-8 people who comment and I can't seem to get you guys to vote. I don't want to go on strike or something again but if you guys don't be active neither will I. I won't respond to your comments, inboxes, or try to talk to you guys anymore. I was GONNA do a contest but changed my mind because not enough active readers. Yes, I love my silent readers but can't the silent readers at least click a button? I understand if I don't get as many comments but voting? You click a button.

The contest was gonna be for a spot in an upcoming book, a follow, dedication, and I would read a story of yours if you have one. BUT! Not enough people are active so no contest. Also! I will start a One-Shot book, if you want one comment (or inbox) who with and what you want to happen.

Goals: 50 votes, 25 comments, more reads, and PLEASE tell me if you want me to continue the series.

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