Author Note- IMPORTANT

2.3K 61 20

So um....... hey? I have an authors note and it may be long so......

Ok so I feel like you guys don't like my story. I mean, I set goals and if it were any other author the goal would be reached in minutes. There are authors you set goals of 8k votes and 500 comments and reach it in half an hour but I set a goal of 20 votes and 10 comments and it could take 10 years. I feel unappreciated and even though I am insecure I respect myself enough to say if you guys aren't gonna comment and vote and appreciate my story that you all supposedly like I won't update. I'm tired of feeling insecure when it comes to writing. I'm tired of staying past midnight to put out a good chapter for you guys for it to get 2 comments and 6 votes. I'm tired of so many things right now and this isn't gonna be one of them. I already am insecure about my writing and having so many inactive readers makes me upset. The least you can do is vote but I can't even get my readers to click a button. I have said this before but this time I am serious. If I don't start to get 10+ ACTIVE READERS CONSTANTLY then I will stop updating altogether. I will write just for me if you guys can't start writing a comment that will take 2 minutes and clicking a button thy will take about 20 seconds. I have to much stress and pressure and shit as it is I don't want to worry about putting out a chapter for the worlds worst readers. If I offend you get the fuck over it because for someone my age I shouldn't act like a mini adult. I have friends who say I'm like an adult in a kids body. I'm not very old, I shouldn't have the responsibility of a college student. That's how it feels. To get all A's, excel in gymnastics, practice singing, and so much more is just too much. Today I took a 3 hour nap. If I could I would go to sleep and never wake up because then I wouldn't have to deal with my insecurities, my fucking terrible readers grades, everything. I want a break, I want less stress. if that means no more writing then fine. It is up to you guys because I am tired of it. Call my a bitch. Call me ungrateful I will just add you to my long of haters who already tear me down. I wish I could say I could care less but then I would be lying. I have tried to have fun things going on. I have tried to talk to you guys but I feel like I'm in a one sided relationship. You guys either be active or You can just forget knowin how this story will end, how my other stories will end, and you can forget about me ever being in Wattpad. I am pissed and I don't fucking care if you guys get offended. I wrote a chapter for this story and its past midnight but I still uploaded chaper 26 or whatever for you guys. I have to be up at 8 am you guys can at least comment and vote because I am not gonna waste my time on a bunch of pieces of shit. I'm tired of so many things. My family, friends, life in general. Do you guys realize how much I want to feel appreciated? Some of my best friends ditched me for prettier, more talented girls than me, my family is just.... ugh, and to top it all off I have to get my B- minus is L.A. up to an A maintain my A in my other classes, practice gym more than 10 hours a week, and write chapters for you guys. Sorry if I want to feel appreciated on wattpad because I sure as hell don't feel appreciated anywhere else. So you guys can suck it up because I'm just about done. Sorry, but I want to spend my time on things worthy of my attention.

So, here is your goal,although I doubt you will reach it: 25 votes&15 comments. If you don't reach it there will be a second part to this authors note telling you goodbye and shit.

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