I have good news and bad news

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So, I will be finishing this story. But, I am working on an Ashton Irwin story and these updates will depend on that story's reads, comments, and votes. The more reads, votes, and comments it has. The more update this has. Also, I will set goals that you have to reach for me to update. You may think I'm being a bitch but all of these are requirements. My Ashton Irwin story has about 15 reads, 6 votes, and a couple of comments. For an update, it has to have 50 reads, 25 votes, and 15 comments.

Bad news:

My parents took away my music. I can't listen to my music in the car every morning. I haven't been able to for the past couple if months all because if god. It's lent so my parents made me give up my phone except for emergencies. I update late at night so I don't get in trouble.

Bad news:

Because I don't have music, life has been hell. Music is the one thing that kept me sane. It kept me from killing myself. Without it I am slowly dying. If I stop updating I have probably done something terrible. For the past few weeks I have been thinking of ways to die. I don't think I'm brave enough to commit suicide. But if I just so happen to be in the way of a speeding car and I could get hit, I won't move. Yes, I am suicidal. Will I commit suicide? Maybe. I don't know.

So go check out "Free Spirit" and comment and vote and read it if you want updates. Sorry.

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