Signs of Counteroffensive

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Chapter 42- Signs of a Counteroffensive

Kaley's POV

We took refugee in a abandoned house with a tiny fire pit in the center. As everyone looked at the research notes I held Al's armored head while shaking. I hope he wakes up. I'm starting to get scared. A chill went down my spine which made me hug the helmet even more. Then we heard a sneeze making me perk my head and look at what was happening. There was Yoki rubbing his nose while being outside of the circle. "Look at this!" Marcoh pointed out showing May and her trustee panda some of the notes. "He mentions that phrase again!"

"Yet another term for gold. There has to be a pattern." May answered now trailing off.

Smith stood and walked over to them. "What are you guys doing?"

"We believe that these notes were written in code." Marcoh stated.

"Ya think so?" Winy questioned slightly. She looked over to me as I closed my eyes tightly and held the armor closer to my chest. Each second passing just made my fire of anxiety burst even more.

"Alchemist's are usually very protective of their research. They hide the meaning behind codes of any form." I stated emotionless.

"But these are straight forward." Marcoh added on to my statement. "There's something else going on."

"We noticed that he uses several different terms for gold and immortality." May replied while looking up to Winry and Smith. "We're looking for if they're connected."

Smith crossed his arms over his chest and looked down. "Is that the code though?"

May shrugged at Smith's question. "We sure hope so..."

Then I heard something that sounded like... Someone stirring right nearby me. My eyes went wide as I looked at Al's armor. He gasped as I quickly stood up. "Where am I?" Al asked in a confused tone.

Winry and I gasped. "AL!"

"Alphonse!" May squealed with worry. The two girls ran over while I knelled in front of his blood seal.

"Your okay..." I whimpered trying my hardest not to cry. "I was so scared... I wanted you to wake and I had no idea what to do..."

"I'm sorry Kaley... I didn't mean to freak you out like that..." Al whispered at me apologetically. "So where are we? And... Why am I in pieces?"


I was looking down and still held Al's head closely. "And that's it really..." I finished softly. My gaze went up to him with a look of worry that seemed to be stitched on my face. That experience really scared me... I couldn't handle that fear in my gut. "Your in pieces because you kinda too heavy to carry all together... So Scar suggested we dismantle you..."

"That makes sense..." Al whispered softly. "Sorry to put you guys out like that..."

"Has this ever happened to you before?" Winry asked in a serious tone.

"Just once... When I was trying to find you guys" Al answered which made my gaze lower again. What was going on now? I didn't understand this, why would this be happening? Being pulled back... What does it mean?

"Well I imagine that it's not very comfortable being scattered around like that..." Marcoh stated with a kind look. "So why don't we put you back together?"

"Please... If you don't mind..." Al spoke in a pleading tone.

May was handed the notes as I started putting him together. "Al... You had me worried sick..."

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