Who's Really The Crazy One

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(For you guys that dont remember Ivonne she is Angelicas abusive ex girlfriend)
I havent seen Angelica fir 2 month now.She had been spending a lot of time with tht nigga Damion.Ever since then I got me this girl named Jada.She lowkey a skinny minnie but hey she got something that i like.

I have feelings for Jada but at the same time I cant leave my feelings for Angelica behind

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I have feelings for Jada but at the same time I cant leave my feelings for Angelica behind.That is my baby and I will do absolutley everything in my power to get her back.Yes i know that i fucked up in the past but im changing slowly but succesfully.I really love Angelica but at times Jada makes me forget all about Angelica.I am planning on going on see her unexpectedly today.I really hope that she gear me out because every time i try to go see her she shunes me and ignores me.I know i did her completely wrong the last time i say her.I was drunk and straight high all day.I just need for her to understand that i love her.I know she thinks otherwise.
I havent seen Damion since the last time i went over his house which was Wednesday.I really miss him bro.We text damn there every day.I cant wait to see him again.Im just now getting ready to go surprise Damion."Ding Dong...Ding Dong"I heard my door bell ring so I run downstairs to open the door.It was Ivonne.What in the hell are you doing here.I told you to stop following me.When I moved to Nevada you found out where i lived.I moves to Washington you found out where i lived.Now that i live in California you somehow know where I live ince again."Babygirl you have to listen to me okay".No,Ivonne i spent 1 year of my life that i could have been soening it in or with someone who actually cared about me.I could tell that i was pissing Ivonne off because her words came out more forcefull and her fist were beginning to ball up.I can honestly say that i was scared for my dear life.I starte to watch what i said to Ivonne."Baby I am so sorry for how i have treated you in our relationship".I got so fustrated when she said that so i yelled at the top of my lungs.YOU NEVER LOVE ME IVONNE BECAUSE IF YOU DID YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER PUT YOUR HAND ON ME.YOU WOULD BEAT ME FOR THE DUMBEST SHIT AND WHEN I FINALLY STRUCK BACK AND LEAVE YO DUMB ASS IN THE PAST YOU FIND A WAY TO PUSH YOURSELF INTO MY FUTURE! Before i could continue yelling at her Ivonne punched me in my face so hard i got blurry vision and got so dizzy that I fell on the ground.She came in my house,slamed the door,and started beating me.This time she beat me bad.She pulled me by my hair and dragged me up the stairs.She threw me on the bed and started beating me.Busting up my face and leaving me bruises.She threw me at the way and dragged me by my shirt and tossed me down the stairs.I AM SCREAMING AND YELLING FOR HER TO STOP AND BEGGING FOR HELP!She kicked me in my stomach one last time hard as fuck.She finally said on her way out the door "I do love you".I was in to much pain to even get up and walk.
I cant believe tht bitch.Saying shit tht i dont live her and shit.I am on my way home to go get me a quick nut.I need to call Jada over right now.Im so mad right now..Fawkk man!I call Jada and she answers on the second ring."Yes daddy,I have been waiting for your call".Baby come over and lemme shoe you why you call me daddy."Im on my way".
Im going to Angelicas house to surprise her with chocolate,flowers,promise ring and a Your special and beautiful card.Im driving and i pull up in her drive way.Her door was wide open i just figured that she was taking out the trash..So i walk in the house to make the surprise even more special and i turn the living room to go upstairs to her room.I dropped everything after i saw her laying on the floor passed out.I ran toward her and i tried picking her up but as soon as she was of the floor she started swinging on me.I didnt let that faise me because i would never put my hands on no female my mom raised me better than that.She is still swinging while im placing her slowly and safley on the bed because i saw the bruises on her an i had a feeling that is was going to her.J told her calm down babygirl im here now,im going to take care of you baby just relax okay.Right now when she opened her eyes she say who it was.She hugged me the tightest that he could.I didnt know wether he was crying becuas of the pain she was in or becuase she was happen to see me.I told her i would be back that i would go and get her some ice and bandages."Babe please dont leave me i dont want to e left alone"she said while crying and tugging on my shirt.Babygirl im gonna be right back,im not like the rest of thses niggas im not leaving your side okay."Okay Damion"I went down the stairs and the entire time im asking myself a thousand questions. "Why would someone do this to her?Who did this to her?How late did I come to her rescue"?I love this girl and ima gonna get some answer.I get bandages ad alcahol from the downstairs bathroom.I run up the stairs and she tried so hard to give me her best smile.Ion care wht she looked like right now she was still my babygirl and she still looked beautiful.She hugged me once more and thanked me a thousand times over.I told her no need to take me baby im always gonna be here for you for better and for worse and I promise you that.I asked her to lay down so I could rap her up.I bandaged her bleeding brusis and rappe her ankle up.Her ankle was twisted.My mom taught me how to do this.She was a nurse for 15 years.Im in college to acheive of being a general nurse.After fixing her up she asked me to lay down with her.We slowly drifted off with eachother.

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