Well That Was Unexpected..!

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Bro.My sister busted in on me and Angelica kissing.Can i just say that her lips were softer than i thought they were. When it comes to tongue kissing man he tongue does go to work.I wonder what else that tongue can do. When Tyler and Blessing came in we all started talking and laughing just having a blast. The bell wrang for everyone to go to first period. Angelica and I walk to our first period which is AP English and Tyler and Blessing walk towards the AP Math building. The teacher hands us a paper as soon as we walk in there door . She had the cutest and sweetest voice."Everyone have a seat wherever it is that you please...groups of 4 please. So of course Angelica and I pick chairs that are next to each other. Following behind us is a boy and a girl. We all set down at the tables . The teacher asked us to get to know the people on our group because those are going to be or permanente seats. So I introduced myself and Angelica. The other two introduced themselves as Taylor and Keori. Keori had beautiful dimples and a cute smile. Taylor seemed like somebody that i can get along with just fine because just by the way he talked and the way he held himself you can tell her a chill nigga. Can i even call him a nigga i mean he looked pretty mixed to me.

The two people in our group Taylor and Keori seemed chill.Plus i was getting a vibe that they were in to eachother or dating eachother.He kept looking at her in a way that had her biting her bottom lip.To be honest if they were together they was one cutr couple."Take out a pencil or pen and start your work sheet".When reading the worksheet it was just question about us.The class was over before we even knew it.So Damion carries my bag for me and walks me to class .Well he kinds had no choice because he has the sams class and we chose our seats next to each other once again.To our surprise Tyler and Blessing has class with us.We are in AP History.History is my most favorite subject ever.So the teacher's assistant gives us a paper to fill out.Once again it was about us.Me Blessing,Damion and Tyler kept getting in trouble because we kept laughing.When the cladd was over.Me and Damion went to 3 period.Someone rang the fire alarm because the science clasd had an out of control first mishave.So they excused everyone from school.Damn was as happy as ever.


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