Chapter: Two

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Chapter: Two

I hear the loud snoring sound coming from downstairs. I know my father who I once loved would be the only thing stopping me from getting to the party. He sent me upstairs at seven o-clock without any dinner and I was very hungry, but I knew better than to risk going downstairs and making any noise.

My phone goes off and it is Emma. “I am on your street is it safe to pull up in front over your house?”

I reply “Its all clear” I pick up the dress that I picked out with my mother the week she died. It was a light blue dress and it was one of the few times I saw my mother cry real tears of joy seeing me in that dress. It made me feel sad picking it up remembering that day.

“Are you coming?” Emma texts me. I look over at my clock, five minutes have past for what seemed like a few seconds. I rush over to the window and see Emma's boyfriend Todd who is what you would call a class clown. I see Todd picking up a ladder and hoisting it towards my window and Emma waving for me to come on with a smile on her face. The top of the ladder hits my window and makes a pretty loud sound. I hope that my father didn't hear it. I rush down the ladder carrying my dress.

“I knew you would make it” Emma said looking pleased as ever. We go off into the bushes near my house away from Todd and Emma helps me change into my dress. Then we walk back to Emma's car and drive over to the warehouse where the party is hosted.

“Are you all ready for a good time” Todd yells pumped up for the party. Emma and I both cheer and laugh it off as we pull into the parking lot. We get out of the car and walk into the warehouse. It is a huge place and I tell Emma to text me so we can meet up later while I look for Mark. I begin to look and see the snack table. Not eating dinner I run over and pig out on all the chips and chicken on the table. When I finish I look down and have spilled all over my dress and have food all over my face. I freak out looking for a napkin or something to wipe it off my dress. The second I grab the napkin I hear his voice.

“Ashley is that you?” says John Mcmillian. John is one of Marks friends who doesn’t like me and has tried many times to break us up. He has a smirk on his face and gets some of his friends to join in. I try to run but I am frozen with fear. Everyone is staring at me. “Mark come look at your pig of a girlfriend.” John says as everyone begins to laugh. Mark walks over and looks at me and his face looks a bit concerned.

“Who invited this pig to the party” He said. I look at him shocked and begin to move as fast as my feet will carry me. I glace back to see him and his friends laughing and celebrating getting rid of me. I run into people and just keep going as people drop their drinks and some even throw things after me. I make it to a side exit and make my way outside. Walk outside in the brisk late September air. I stop and shiver a bit when the door opens again and smacks me into the ground.

“Are you okay” someone in a familiar voice says with a hint of guilt. I break down into tears, this is too much. “Its fine” the voice says trying to comfort me. I turn and look up to see a guy standing over me offering to help me up. He helps me up and leads me over to the front of the building near the streetlight. The second we step into the light I recognize who I am talking to...


I hoped you liked the chapter. I know I said I would post daily but I got busy the last two to three days. Pretty long chapter and I hope the wait was worth it. Thanks for all the comments and votes means a lot.

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