Chapter 3- Haven't you parents told you staring isn't polite!

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One Direction:

Harry- 37

Maya- 36 (Harry's wife)

Niall- 37

Sarah- 34 (Niall's wife)

Liam- 37

Julia- 34 (Liam's wife)

Zayn- 38

Perrie- 37 

Louis- 39

Eleanor- 38


Stephanie- 16 (Louis daughter)

J.P- 17 (Niall son)

Amber- 13 (Liam daughter)

Jake- 12 (Zayn son)

Summer & June- 9 (Harry daughters)


Chapter 3- Haven't you parents told you staring isn't polite!

I close my eyes stressing out a little, going mentally insane... nahhh not yet ;) I jump out of the tree house convincing myself that I just snuggled with the blankets while i was asleep and that's why they were on me... yeah that's working...

I get to the small house and notice all the care, expect three are missing. Where did everyone go... I thought that, I mean people made it seem like... never mind. I walk into the house... or that's what i wanted to do. Instead the door is locked and I really just wanted to get inside, It looks like it's going to rain. Not that I can tell weather or anything but I mean puffy dark clouds usually means rain... 

I knock on the door, no answer. I ring the bell, no freaking answer. Wait what time is it? I can't tell by the sky because it seems to be covered in clouds. Groaning I kick the door over and over. What the heck someone wake up. Don't my parents live here. Aren't the the least bit worried I am not home?! No probably not. I mean why would they care for a child who they sent off for their whole childhood. In fact my 16th birthday I had a couple cupcakes... and a few presents from my friends, no letters saying happy birthday from parents. NOTHING. All through-out my life I have been un-wanted, I am pretty sure they forgot about me until the school called saying I was coming home. I wouldn't be fucking surprised if they sent me off again, I mean sure I am not the prettiest, I don't have my mom's looks... I don't even have my dad's funniness or his spirit of happiness... maybe I'm the wrong kid and I am supposed to go home to a party that celebrates my return...

I mean I wouldn't mind being someone else child someone who isn't excepted to be a beautiful as her mother or as fun to be around as her dad! Then theres that asshole JP, what the frick is his problem. Looks like no one wants me around anyways... not even that little girl I heard talking, who even was that? I am about to leave going where ever, when the door opens to a little girl maybe 10?She is so cute though, she has little freckles with long red hair and green eyes. "Hi there I'm Stephanie, whats your name sweety?" I ask

"I'm June." She says with the cutest smile ever, awe. I hear footsteps behind here and a girl a little older comes over, she shoo's away June and smiles really big at me... whoa her teeth are perfect. 

"Hi I'm Amber, sorry about June hope she wasn't bugging you. Your Stephanie right? I am so excited to meet you. Oh my god I have to tell everyone else your here. Wait where did you go last night? I wa-" 

"OH MY GOD AMBER SHUT UP!" I hear a boy yell. Then feet get slammed down the stairs and a little boy with most annoyed stare, comes up the door. Hold on how many more of them are gonna come down the stairs. "Hi I'm Jake. I guess you met everyone one else. Amber, June, and Summer." I almost nod my head, wait who is summer?\

"Who's Summer?" I ask 

"June's twin... they both look like Maya except they have Harry's eyes... sometimes they trick other people by pretending to be each other." He groans "It's so annoying." He points at Amber " And her! Oh My Gosh, she. does. not. shut. up!" He rolls his eyes, walking back in the house.

A little shocked I stand at the door baffled by my cousins? I mean that's not it we look nothing alike... we don't have to, but no I don't think I am related to them...

My thoughts are interrupted by the one who deserves the most asshole of the year award. From what I heard Niall was also a nice guy, but his son? Oh no never can't be nice nuh uh that's not possible for him. 

"Your back. You know no one really noticed you were gone." He says... ouch. I glare at him but I can feel my nose go red, just like it does when I am about to cry. I hold in my tears and bump passed him in the house. 

"Don't tell me I have to live with that." I ask Amber pointing at J.P, 

"Nope this is the summer house everyone once in a while during summer we come down here... I guess touring so long makes you kinda like family..." She replies. 

I let out a sigh. "So... this isn't even the real house I am supposed to stay in?"

"Nope usually we go back before school starts, but um I heard Nialls moving from Ireland to out here... and him and Louis where talking about how he should move to the house next door..." She says mumbling half the time. I groan and faceplam, This is NOT happening. Well can't say I'm surprised, my parents never thought me anything infact they never even told me staring isn't polite!

Ok so done omg i am so so so sorry it took so long to update not trying to be mean! I am sick and so busy so I finally get to update any ship names for Jonathan and Stephanie? LOVE YA ALL SOOO MUCH hope you enjoyed this chapter byee :)

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