You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMY

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"What were you thinking? Peckwell coulda died!" yelled Alex furious with Jo, still not believing what he'd found at Jason's apartment.

"Is he, uh..." asked Jo hesitantly, not sure if she really wanted to know.

"No, he's fine and you're lucky he's not pressing charges, but you are an idiot! You get that you could have gone to jail, right? If you don't wanna be a low life anymore than you gotta grow up. Stop actin' like one."

"No, you grow up! Not everyone's like you, Alex! People are horrible. And the last time someone grabbed me like Jason did, I...I promised that no one would ever do that again. So I am sorry. Not everyone's like you. Not everyone's good. And now you think I'm horrible." Jo looked down not wanting to see that disappointment.

" If you hadn't gotten to him first I probably woulda killed the guy," said Alex flatly.

"Why? Why would you do that for me?" pleaded Jo desperately.

"Shut up. Why wouldn't I?"

The tree came without warning, like everything else in Alex's life, crashing into his world, crashing through his front window with the force of something that would not be ignored.

Jo popped up immediately waiting for Alex to do the same.



"Alex!" she screamed through the storm now roaring in her ears with no barrier to block it out.

"Alex!" she repeated running to the other side of the tree, the side where her friend, her mentor, her what, was standing just a few seconds earlier.

Her brain didn't accept what her eyes were seeing. She was a statue, frozen into place, just staring at Alex's face, looking untouched, handsome, peaceful. The rest of his body covered by the tree, the damage draped in a green cover of leaves.

Jo finally moved. Her brain registering what she was looking at. Her mind knowing that she better act and quickly. She had been well trained by the man lying in front of her. The doctor she wanted to be finally kicked in.

"Alex, Alex! Can you hear me?" Jo found a pulse and felt she could breathe a little. Her hands were shaking so violently and that rain coming in wasn't doing anything to calm her nerves.

She pulled out her phone and called for an ambulance trying to keep her voice steady and push down the rising panic in her stomach. She knew she would have her work cut out for her. God knows when the ambulance will get here, she thought. Damn storm.

Jo frantically grabbed at the tree using all of her strength to move it off of her friend's body.

Wouldn't budge.

What happened to adrenaline giving you super human strength, she thought. Bullshit stories.

As she tried pushing it off again, Alex let out a low moan.

"Alex." Jo dropped down by his side and put her hands to his face. "Alex, can you hear me?"

"Wh- what the hell?" he managed to get out.

"Alex, the tree is on you. I can't get it off. Alex? Stay awake!" Jo screamed watching his eyes become heavy and close. She slapped his face hard, wanting him to become alert and tell her exactly what to do.

"Wilson, did - you - just slap me?" Alex barely managed to croak out.

"Alex, tell me what to do!"

"Can't...breathe." Alex's eyes closed again.

"Oh God! Alex, please..." Jo felt along his body and the tree, touching the side of his chest. Blood covering her trembling hands as she pulled them back.

"No!" she screamed trying again to move the tree, pulling, yanking, losing control. She moved it a fragment of an inch.

"Aaahhhh! Aaaahhhh!" Alex called out loudly, gaining consciousness.

Jo stroked his cheek, softly crying unable to do anything. She felt utterly useless and resigned herself to the fact she may have to comfort him as he lay hurt, in pain, dying?

Two paramedics and three firemen rushed through the door.

Jo completely lost it, breaking entirely, the night's events pouring out of her with as much force as the storm.

"Give me the K-12!" yelled one of the firemen grabbing a huge saw and beginning to work on the tree, cutting away the parts farthest away from Alex. Jo had been pushed aside, not even an afterthought.

They worked quickly and had the trunk off of Alex in minutes. The paramedics began their work both moving in a synchronized fashion that only years of experience brought.

"Breathing is labored, ribs crushed, lungs gotta be collapsed. I'm gonna intubate!"

The other paramedic was a blur of activity trying to get the bleeding under control. The flow of blood on Alex's torso could be controlled, it was the bleeding inside that had him most concerned. He did a needle decompression hoping that would keep this man alive until they could get him in the ER.

"Alright, let's go! He's as stable as he's gonna get."

One of the firemen gently led Jo to the ambulance putting her in front.

Karev was rushed into Seattle Grace, or Grey Sloane, with a definite lack of fanfare. No one really noticed this patient rushed in barely alive. The night was one emergency after another...the storm wreaking havoc on the roads. Too many accidents to count.

The drama of the night had been when Jason was brought in. Now, seeing Jo arrive, the nurses assumed she was there to see him.

"It's Alex. That's Alex," Jo said weakly dropping down to her knees as she watched Karev being rushed away.

It took a few seconds before anyone comprehended her words. Bailey caught the tail end only.

"What? Jo? Explain, now!" Bailey demanded.

Meredith and Cristina were the first ones paged, Arizona next.

"No, you're wrong," Meredith told Bailey shaking her head back and forth.

"We were talking by the window and a huge tree crashed through. It fell on Alex, his chest mainly." Jo's self survival instincts were kicking in.

"How bad?" asked Bailey not knowing if she wanted to hear the answer.

"Bad," answered Jo, her voice breaking.

"Where's Cristina? I need Cristina," Meredith's voice was the sound of calm, a perfect calm. That's what frightened Bailey the most.

Cristina knew what happened before her friends. She was up in trauma when Alex was wheeled in.

"Avery, it's Karev," said Cristina staring at Alex's face.

"You can do this," said Jackson knowing he would need that Yang confidence to steady his hands.

"I know that. Don't be stupid. And you!" she said turning her face towards Alex. "Don't even think about croaking on me! I will kick your ass, kill you, then kick your ass again. Mer needs you, evil spawn. And I - I'm used to you, like a rash that you can't get rid of."

Cristina took a deep breath and turned to Avery.

"What are you waiting for? Let's do this."

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now