Chapter 4

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"Something's not right," choked out Alex finally done throwing up the small cup of jello he'd just downed. He knew the pain he felt wasn't from the surgery; it was something else.

"You think?" Cristina said pushing Jo out of the way. She began pressing on Alex's stomach, concern on her face.

"Ow! You tryin' to kill me?" Alex scooted to the edge of his bed, but Yang's hands kept following.

"I think you missed somethin," Alex continued pushing Cristina's hands away, but they were all over his midsection.

"I don't miss things," she said simply. "I am taking you up for another MRI though."

"Ha! You missed somethin. Knew it! You ARE tryin' to kill me."

"Shut it! You are the only one I know who would hope for something wrong just to prove ME wrong!" Cristina gave one last push on his stomach. Yes, she'd missed something.

"Alex, you're going to be fine. You hear me?" Jo came in to talk to him, sort some things out, maybe confess a feeling or two. Not to watch him wheeled out, possibly back into surgery.

"I hear you, princess, not goin' deaf," smiled Alex completely satisfied with the fact that he was right and Yang was wrong. He gave Cristina his trademark crooked grin. She would have to remember to slap that grin off when he felt better.

"Yeah, yeah, save all your mushy crap for later. Don't piss me off, Karev. Just keep your mouth shut." Cristina knew she'd have to go back in, but she also knew she'd fix him. Whatever was wrong, she'd fix.

Alex didn't say a word. That huge grin affixed to his face said it all.

The MRI revealed a small perforation in his stomach, the reason why he couldn't eat anything. So small, no wonder I missed it thought Cristina studying the film.

The surgery took just over an hour, easy for the cardio surgeon slumming it with this procedure. She didn't really trust anyone else to do it. She got Karev this far, someone else would not screw it up now.

He came out of recovery to see Jo still waiting. It was a good feeling. All those days of longing for something more with her, but too much of a puss to do anything about it. Only took Chest Peckwell roughing her up and a tree landing on me, thought Alex wistfully.

"Alex," she said tears streaming down her face.

To say that Jo had been through much over the past few days would be a major understatement. She was used to drama, tragedy, but things had calmed down. She should have known it was too good to be way, not in her world. The Chest Peckwell incident, Alex rushing to her defense, confessing...what? Now, him lying in a bed, hurt.

"Real or fake, Wilson?" whispered Alex trying to crack a smile while evaluating the tears.

"Real," she said stroking his hair.

"Hey, no sex till I give my stamp of approval, demon spawn," said Cristina popping in the room.

"So? Was I right?" asked Alex perking up a little more.

"You had a teeny, tiny tear that I may not have seen the first time. Probably because I was busy saving your life with the major damage I did fix. You'll be eating your disgusting greasy hamburgers and fries in no time." Cristina came over to check his vitals. Something usually left for the nurses, but she was worried about her friend.

"Thanks,Yang." It was about as touchy feely as Alex got and it wasn't lost on Cristina.

"Yeah, you're welcome. Ten minutes, then he's resting," she commanded as she left his room. Crap, she hadn't told Meredith about having to go back in, no time really. She'd still be mad, and worried, and nervous in her quirky Grey way. Then there was Izzie...did she owe her anything? Nah, she could find out from someone else.

"What happened with Peckwell?" asked Alex.

"He hasn't pressed charges, yet. I saw him talking to the police, but they haven't talked to me." Jo didn't want to get her hopes up. That had always ended in disappointment.

"He's not going to... Dr, Douche doesn't want to be known as the guy who hits chicks. Douche bags hit chicks, but he's hiding it. Hey, did you get pictures of your face?" asked Alex getting excited.

"Alex, you know who you're dealing with. Of course, I got pictures, from the worst angles possible."

"Good. As soon as I'm up I'm gonna kick his ass."

"No you're not. I can take care of myself. You need to rest, get better. You look like crap," Jo said gently.

"Why take care of yourself when someone else is volunteering?"

"Are you volunteering?" asked Jo not believing what she was hearing. It was always her, alone, fend for herself, no one to count on.

"Maybe I am, Wilson," said Alex closing his eyes completely drained. Too much talk, too soon after his surgery.

"Out! I said ten minutes! He needs to rest." Cristina was back in the room not really comfortable with the intimate scene before her. She fluffed Alex's pillow a little and pulled up his covers scanning his face for signs of pain.

Jo smiled as she left knowing he was in good hands.

It was two hours later when Cristina ran into Meredith... with Izzie in the cafeteria. Enjoying a cup of coffee, and apparently each other's company.


"Hey, Mer," said Cristina sitting down in an empty chair joining the two. She nodded at Izzie.

"Be nice."

"Don't panic, don't freak out," started Yang realizing this may not be the best way to start.

"Oh God, Cristina. What? Alex..." Meredith was up ready to rush off. Cristina grabbed her arm pulling her back to her seat.

"He's okay. I had to go back in. Small tear in his abdomen I didn't see earlier. Piece of cake, no biggie, although he was a real ass about it." Cristina studied her friend's face trying to gauge the level of panic coming.

"He's okay? You're sure? I wanna see him for myself." Meredith was getting up again only to have her arm yanked down for the second time.

"He needs to rest. Wilson's been in there trying to play suck face. Disgusting!"

"What?" asked Meredith and Izzie in perfect unison.

"Yeah. I guess she'll be the next in his long line of frat boy conquests. Disgusting," repeated Cristina, shaking her head marveling at the reaction of her friend and ex friend.

"Why would you say that?" asked Meredith.

"What was happening, exactly?" questioned Izzie.

What was this? Anger from the two? No, more like... What? Jealousy?

Disgusting, Cristina thought again getting up to leave, shaking her head at Meredith with an "I'm so disappointed in you" look.

The two remaining sat in an awkward silence, finishing coffee, fidgeting uncomfortably, both thinking about the broken peds surgeon upstairs, each ready to make their escape and go make sure he was okay, both wanting to do what they could to make him a little less broken if they could.

They all love Alex in their own way. They've all had their Alex moments that we love. No matter who you think he should end up with, I think we can all agree, he deserves some happiness. Thoughts on the chapter?

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now