Chapter 2

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The surgery was long, complicated, dangerous...just what Cristina Yang was made for.

The tree acted with a vengeance on Alex's chest, more broken ribs than not broken, but it was the internal bleeding that was threatening his life.

Cristina was possessed, driven with a fierce determination that Karev would live. He had to live.

It had been the three of them when Derek died. Well, the two of them at first...Meredith and Cristina. More like a shell of Meredith. Cristina cradling her in bed for days, feeding her, wiping her face with a wash cloth.

Alex was fighting his own battle, trying to make it back from that bullet lodged in his chest. He clawed his way to the land of the living and joined the two forming three, three friends desperately finding a reason to live.

Zola proved to be that reason. Meredith pushed the grieving of Derek aside a little. She had to. She had a little girl who could not be pushed to the side. So it was a rainy, dreary Saturday when Meredith decided to join Alex and Cristina and continue with life.

"Alex, can you take Zola to her dance lesson tomorrow?"

"Sure, Mer." Alex stepped up in a way no one could have expected. He didn't even realize he was doing it.

Meredith asked. He said yes. Every time. No questions, no thinking, just yes.

"You enjoying being Meredith's bitch?" asked Cristina giving Alex her usual hard time.

"Suck it, Yang," said Alex grabbing Zola's hand.

Alex even moved back in for a while. There was a comfort in this dysfunctional family, really the best family any of them had ever experienced.

Eventually, he moved back to a place of his own. Jo had entered his life, sort of. An attraction, undeniable, definitely. Chest Peckwell, douche, in the way, definitely.

Now Alex was back in surgery again fighting for his life, but Cristina was fighting alongside him, and Avery was putting in his two cents worth. And Meredith was waiting with Jo holding hands, silent, praying to a God she knew didn't exist, praying she wouldn't lose another person she loved.

Cristina entered the waiting room, and Meredith knew immediately that Alex was alive. It was something in the way she made eye contact or the way her mouth pursed up as she was about to speak.

"He's alive. It's bad, Mer." Cristina pulled her in and squeezed. It was Yang's idea of a hug.

Meredith knew immediately that Alex could very well die. This time it was in the way Cristina didn't complain about all the trouble he was causing, in the way she didn't call him evil spawn, in the way she didn't talk about being a miracle worker and saving his ass. This was bad.

"It's Alex. He's tough. Tell me he's gonna be okay. Cristina, say it! I need you to say it!"

Long pause.

"He has years of pissing us off left in him. We're stuck with him. He's a disease that has no cure. He's..."

"Okay, enough," said Meredith smiling a little.

One of the advantages of being a doctor was that no one could tell you "no visitors" or "family only." Meredith headed to Alex's room needing to see him, needing to tell him that Zola was expecting him to take her to dance on Friday, needing to tell him that she wanted a pizza, movie, and beer Saturday night.

"Oh, Alex," she whispered rushing to the side of his bed. Her hand went to his head stroking his hair instinctively. "Oh, my Alex."

Jo was again a forgotten afterthought. She wasn't invited to Alex's room, so she hung awkwardly back. She knew what she had to do. Looking out for herself, story of her life. No one else was going to do it.

You are my person! (Jo, Alex Fanfic after the storm) GREY'S ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now