chapater 14

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" im ending the story cbf its shit " i sear i was gonna end it in this chapter because i thought no one was reading any of this and thought it was shit :L i think it maybe gonna right another one thats more realistic. but anyways

yep cant belive we are at 517 reads

like wow 


much ------->  NEW POV’S!



yeah xx larissa


Alex POV (WOW new point of view wowoww)

That f*cken bitch. She just, she just sassed me! But then again i deserved it, no, i didn’t. I sent Kayla that video, i think that’s her name but why would i care i hate her. I hope she saw it and told Zayn so much shit would happen in-between them! It was so better when I was with Zayn and he was with me.

 We would go to to many festivals and I would lie back inbetween his legs and drink whisky while he would hum to the song that was being played. I missed when we used to ride scooters to the deck and just talk all the time. I miss him. It all ended when-

“Al” Ugh it him. My “boyfriend” , Lachlan… I use him well like I have him as a fake boyfriend, not want him to be my actual boyfriend, hes sweet and all with tattoos and piercings but just..not my type. Not my Zayn.

“Hmm yeah? Better be good I’m playing Candy Crush and im on level 79.” I replied by sitting by the couch on my phone playing Candy Crush Saga.

Yeah um I just have to go to the shops to get some stuff” He replied with his green eyes staring back at me. He ruffled his blonde hair at me then smiled.

“What is it your time of the month?” I asked sarcastically but then we needed up laughing.

“No but think it’s yours” He chuckled under his breath. I nodded then flicked my hand at him approving tat he can go. See he is from California visiting his Mum and Dad in Australia. I needed some money so I rented my own flat and just made him stay in the other room. We are like best friends even though its been 5 months. We did a favour for eachother, I give him a cheaper cost to stay in my flat, he becomes my “boyfriend” to win Zayn back.

I chucked my phone to the other couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the television.

Lachlan POV

I left Al at home; I just need to get away from her to be honest. Shes my best friend and we tell eachother everything but sometimes you get sick of being with them 24/7….like legit I am with her 24/7 because I live with her. But not same bed which is good.

I went to Walmart to buy some aftershave and just…men’s things. I scanned the shelf and found, yes. Playboy mens. Hmm it would be god for Al. what? Did I just? I ust wanted to impress Al! But I don’t liker her in that way! It not like whenever I see her play with her red hair or play with  tongue stud..or just I don’t know!

My train of thoughts about my love for Alex…stop.   Iwas interrupted by someone wanting to get something from the same shelf as me. He had dark flat hair, well morning hair, think black glasses, a hoodie and tracks on. He had a good jawline. Goodlooking.Never seen him around to be honest.

“Omg I love these” He mumbled while picking up the exact same aftershave as me. I laughed and said, “We must have the same taste…you getting away from your girl?” I asked and he returned a laugh.

“Yeah how’d you know?” He laughed while biting hi tongue, I can tell a lot about people, that’s my job. This person has a lot of stuff he’s hiding but is genuinely sweet and loving for his girl. He’s not that sporty but by the sound of his voice…he can sing.

“Im doing the exact same thing” I recalled Alexx saying to me that I should always lie and say im her boyfriend…even to strangers. But the thing that I wanted her to actually say I am her actual boyfriend.

“Doing anything today?” He asked me while putting the aftershave into his basket.

“Not really man, you?” I was literally doing so busy that I do nothing.

“Hmm no classes, girlfriend is asleep, man time now..wanna hang out?” He asked with a smile. He was really nice..probably not a morning person.

“Sure thing but I need to know something…whats your name?”

“Its zen, spelled zed aye why en” We both chuckled then left to grab a beer.

*hours later*

"Mate that was funny as shit gotta love when a streaker runs across a game" I said to him and we started laughing so hard.

"Do you wanna come back to my house?" He said. Hmm i had nothing on soo why not.

"Yeah sure just make sure your pretty little lady stays away from me or i might take her!" I joked, but he tensed and glared at me and i apoogized. He really loved his girl.

We walked into the house but we were so drunk. He walked i first and i sat on the floor outside playing with the llama. wait there was no llama. 

I suddenly heard shouting then a plate crash then sobbing....what? 

Zayn POV

I stumbled into the house and saw a sorru it was Kat with a kayyyyy! I slurred at my every word.

“Meow meow meow meow I see a cat she has brown hair and  big hat! No you don’t have a hat what! What!” I was completely drunk. She stared at me. Jaw open.

“Whats wronggg?! I want to pat you lets go, let goooo have fun!” I didn’t mean the words I was saying. The alcohol was controlling me.

“Zayn I swear if you are drunk..get out..go for a walk.” She said slowly.

“No no no nyan nyang nyang cat!!!” I grabbed her face to kiss her but she pushed away.

I was getting angyr..i don’t know why. I grabbed the plate then smashed it on the floor.

“Zayn please…stop” Her words made my heart crumple. I stopped then started crying..i never cry.

“Im sorry Katerina. I don’t know whats wrong with me.” I stumbled out somehow.

“It’s the alhocol just take some panadol os some shit okay? Go for a walk. And when she said that, Lach walked in.


How was that?! WOWWW they know eachother but they don’t know eachother!! Wow!

Anyays read



LOVE YOU GUYYYYYYS im on holiday and i should be tanning but no im writing :D xx larry 

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