Thoughts II.

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Well, at first i didn't want to do so, but he insisted and I finished by giving him the number of my parents. ..I started by my mum's number because I knew that she doesn't respond to numbers she doesn't recognize, but unfortunately this time and somehow mum answered the phone, but I thought that she did so, just because she was worried about me, well...I could see clearly that it was almost sunset and obviously my parents would be concerned and worried about me, because I wasn't used to stay that longer outside, and I hoped that they reported my case to the police station ! Well, let me continue...When mum picked up the phone, she seemed a bit confused and I noticed that she had certainly been crying before picking up the phone !! Well.. What the man said was totally obvious, he asked for more than sixty million Dollar... When he mentioned that large number of money... I immediately knew that I would never comeback home.
My parents had always been in the medium richness rank, they could afford buying a small house, a nice car and also buying enough food for the whole family...But this very big amount of money, I was totally sure that they couldn't afford it !
At that time, I was begging the man so hard to let me go home, but he was pig headed, he didn't want to listen to me and he was so insisting on getting his sixty million dollar.
The man like i mentioned before had a scare on his face...And I was sure he had a very big story behind it...
I tried to be a little bit understanding, I tried to let him tell me what his story was, I tried to control his emotions. Well I thought that it would help....And it really did.
The man was Vladimir Kaydovski, a Russian retired soldier, he retired because of an accident that turned his life upside down, he was so kind and generous before that...But unfortunately what happened to him made his attitude go wrong ! He told me that he had to revenge for what happened to him, he had to revenge on american people, he mentioned that he always hated the Americans and he had always been trying to do something to the states or to their residents ! He explained  what the Americans did to him and that he was innocent but accused by doing something which made the Russian authorities upset and which punished him for that !
After all, the guy was good, I saw innocence in his eyes....Wait a minute ! What did I just say ?! He was innocent ! So what am I doing here if it was the case. The guy was totally not innocent... Well that was my opinion and it couldn't help me resolving anything anyways !
That night, I spent all my time thinking... I was thinking that I would've died and that I didn't achieve anything in my life before my big ending ! Even though...I was totally sure that somehow, I'll get saved and I'll return home safe and sound, I just had to wait for that day to come...And believe me, I don't know why I was thinking about not having a girlfriend ! I thought a lot and said that a human being as a human being, has to love and be loved, has to take care of someone and that someone has to take care back of him, has to experience good feelings as love and bad ones as hate, has to spend good times and to suffer sometimes...And I was totally sure that it was just a very bad nightmare and it certainly had an end.
Well, maybe you are wondering why I didn't try to escape, it's obviously because there was a big chain around me ! The man was so cautious, well... after all he was a Russian soldier and he had to know all these kinds of stuff,  That night was full of thoughts and disappointments and of course it was a big nightmare which made me wish to be home, in my house, in my own room and in my own bed... I always hated living in that house but after this case...I really want to be there again.
The next morning, I woke up with a cell phone ringtone...It was so loud and noisy, I heard the man talking in Russian, he said " Da , băiatul este cu mine acum , și vom primi banii cât mai curând posibil. ". At that moment, I thanked god that I took some Russian language lessons when I was in middle school, I was too ambitious about that language and I never thought that it could help one day, well...after all, understanding the language allowed me to understand every single word the man said, and he was saying " Yes, the boy is with me now, and we will get the money as soon as possible. "...I bet he was talking to his boss or something like that, I mean he was speaking in a very formal way using very formal words, so it had to be his boss ! I don't know why I was interested in listening to his conversation but I thought that every single idea or thought might help and it was the case actually !
The man without knowing that I understood the language, mentioned our place, and like I've mentioned before, it was in the seaport ! (To be Continued)

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