Fear the bully I !

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And that day came !! That day when my fears turned to reality, when all my worries were poured on me at once, simply that day when I faced everyone in the school.
It was Tuesday, my 2nd day of school... Donald insisted to go to school with him, and even though, I didn't want to but as usual Donald gave me the courage to do so. It was 8 A.M when I took that delicious breakfast prepared by mum; some cereals, juice and fresh fruits... My mum always made sure to feed me well because for her breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, after finishing it, I immediately heard the school bus horn, which was waiting for me at the opposite street, I went out, headed towards the school bus where I've found Donald waiting for me. Before the bus driver had closed the door, a very tall, big guy came in... All the students stopped talking at once and started staring at him, and it was clear that the 2nd  and 3rd year students had already known him.
And quickly all the new students with me among, knew who this person was. He was Kenneth Rodriguez, 19 years old, from Mexico, he lived with his father who had been into a divorce recently and who was an alcoholic... And what the pupils said was that Kenneth had always had problems within his family or at school, and he had always been studying in the 1st year just like I had.

Well, when he passed through me... And I know why I've said "THROUGH ME".. Because he literally treated me like an invisible guy, he pushed me through the seats and headed to the last seat which was his favorite. You may ask me why I hate people but, I'll answer simply saying that I don't hate them I just can't handle the idea of being nearby. and that was my first impression about kids in my school !! 

Well, we arrived to school, everything was cool, we studied the 1st period quite normal until the lunch break where the real nightmare had began... 
I was queuing waiting to fill my plates until someone called me by "The new guy".. I turned around and of course just like movies, where they turn and they find the bad guy...It was the same case, I turned around and found the famous Kenneth Rodriguez behind me. To be Honest, I was so afraid of him regarding all what I've heard and all what I've experienced in my middle school, so I really didn't want to get to any sort of trouble, the dude asked silly questions like :

-Are you the new one ?
-Where are you from ?
-Do you know Who I am ?

I was just answering him to guard my safety !! The guy finished asking his silly questions with a fearful sentence "Watch out boy.. My eyes are on you".. Euh... What did I do to him exactly ?...Literally no idea !! 
but seeing the way he looked at me, I totally knew that this wouldn't end up well.
That evening passed quite good, I finished studying, I loved my teachers and I came back home with no damages... Or "YET" I guess !! 
I thought about what  Lynette Mather once said..."What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the only surgeon who could save your life? " ... Imagine this was true, what if a bully treated you once and you end up being his last hope in the future ! It would be cool but deeply it would be so moving and unfortunate ! Well... Bullying isn't OKAY. Period !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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