Two Years Ago: Part 1

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(The sun sets on a breezy day in LA. Arin and Danny are finishing up their last videos for the day.)

Danny: Well then... Next time on Game Grumps!

Arin: NOO! Dan! I can WIN! Please just let the episode go on for one more minute...

(Arin proceeds to give Danny puppy dog eyes and whimper a bit.)

Danny: Ok big cat. Give it one more try ok?


(Arin and Dan were playing Battle Kid again after years of ignoring it. Arin was battling the plant monster while making up short improv stories to concentrate as he did when he first played Battle Kid.)

Arin: Once upon a time there was a dog. His name was Sam and he could talk so he went up to his owner and said, FEED ME!!!! THE DOG THEN DANCED AFTER PEEING ON HIS OWNER AND THEN HE...

(Arin once again was beaten by the plant monster.)


Danny: Enjoy the rest of your day everyone, me and Arin here are gonna go get some food. Would you like that

Arin: ...Yea...

Danny: Alright then! Woot woot!

(Danny ended the episode and stood up while Arin still sat on the couch. A moment later Danny saw a strange light coming from another part of the office. Danny and Arin went to investigate the light. They found a strange person that they had not seen before. The person wore a black trench coat, a black top hat, and had a strange device in his hand. The man turned to Arin and Dan

Stranger: Well well well. The Game Grumps. It's about time we met. I've watched your show for quite some time now and I just have one question to ask. Where, is, Trauma Center...?

Arin: Ok first off, how did you get in here and second, that game was too damn hard and you can't just go and play Trauma Center! You gotta practice!

Stranger: Then why haven't you?!

(The stranger held the device towards the ceiling and pressed a button. Then, the entire Grumps office started to crumble. High in the sky a portal appeared and creatures both familiar and non familiar came flowing out of it.)

Stranger: Behold! My mind cooked this up just for you Game Grumps! Your own personal hell coming straight after you!

(Before the creatures touched ground, Arin and Danny escaped the crumbling building and found their friends already outside.)

Ross: What's happening?!

Barry: I have no idea but something tells me you did this Ross!

Ross: Me?! What is that supposed to imply?! That everything that goes wrong is my fault?!

Brian: Ross, Ross, it's ok calm down I'll feed you some pudding later ok?

Ross: Fine.

(The creatures touched down to the Earth after what seemed like hours. Then... Everything went black.)

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