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(After the death of Grant, Arin and Jon went to go find the other Grumps.)

Arin: Where the hell are we?

Jon: I think we are in... What used to be, Las Vegas.

Arin: We are so close to California. We have to meet up with all the Grumps so we can find the guy who did this. Hopefully whatever he did can be reversed.

Jon: You mentioned that when you and Grant came looking for me, you had the intention of bringing me on this team to help out. Is there anyone else we should ask for help?

Arin: Well I am not entirely sure. Grant had this ability that told him who could become a Grump, but now that he is gone, we would have to take a stab at the dark.

Jon: Then let's stab! Who should we try and find?

Arin: Well, I have a few ideas. Maybe Marliplier, or Holly. Or... Perhaps... Nah we shouldn't even consider.

Jon: Consider what?

Arin: I just said we shouldn't consider it could be too dangerous.


Arin: Well... We could check it out. But he is super powerful and can be either friend or foe.

Jon: For gods sake Arin who are you thinking of?!

Arin: Burgie.

(Jon and Arin made it to California and found an old destroyed warehouse.)

Jon: Uh. Is this seriously where Burgie lives?

Arin: Yes. I can sense his power. Although I can't tell if he is good or evil currently. But, Jon whatever you do, don't say the word beefy unless I tell you to. Ok?

Jon: Sounds good I guess.

Arin: Swag. Let's 360 no scope this place shall we?

Jon: Absolutely.

(Jon and Arin walked inside the abandoned warehouse, and stumbled upon strange black slime. They continued to walk and came to a staircase, which they walked up. The stairs creaked as they were stepped on. They came to a door that had a strange green light coming from under it.)

Arin: What the hell is that?

Jon: I have no clue...

(Slowly, Arin opened the door and peaked in to see Burgie strapped up in a metal chair, with tubes coming out of him. The tunes were collecting black goo from Burgie, who was in his evil form.)


Burgie: Ughhh. What is it now dumbass?

Arin: Oh thank god you're ok! Burgie, i don't know what you remember, but I think you were brought here and someone, or something was harnessing the evil energy from your evil form's black goo.

Burgie: OHHHH! Now eeeeverythiingg makes sense! What the hell are you talkin about?! Just get me outa here!

Jon: Ok here we goes.

(Jon freed Burgie. After he was free, they heard a loud noise from downstairs.)

Jon: JACQUES! Can you identify that noise?!

Jacques: Yes. It is 5% muffled noises and 95% green jump suit.

Arin: Ad monsters...

Jon: Ad monsters?! What are those?!

Arin: The physical embodiment of ads. Super powerful and horrid creatures. We might not be able to take them on if there are too many.

Burgie: But there are four of us! Isn't dat enough?

Arin: Perhaps. We'll have to see how many come up...

(Distant at first, then becoming more audible, the ad monsters made their way upstairs. After about five minutes of unnecessary suspense, the ad monsters revealed themselves. There were seven of them.)

Arin: Crap. Seven of them. We might not be able to make it out of here.

Jacques: Wait. I have an idea. Here, Burgie. Let me grab you with my bird claws then I can fly you over the ad monsters. Then you can drop your relish. Or as you call it, your shits.

Burgie: Good idea! I've been meaning to take a shit but I haven't gotten the chance just yet. Let's do it.

(Jacques grabs Burgie and Burgie lets everything go. The ad monsters slowly melt.)

Arin: Good thinking Jacques.

Jon: Yea man great job! That was pretty awesome! But wait. Arin! Do we still need to make Burgie a Grump?

Arin: Nope. He's sort of a wild card. He is his own burger. He is not a Grump, but he is still super strong. But we should have enough people now to take down there creatures must more easily now. Shall we meet the others?

Jon: Let's shall...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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