Chapter Twelve: Answers (Part I)

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Sora's POV

I woke up, my question all wanting to be asked. I looked around and saw the Nebulia was resting where she was last night, and that Eclipso was near the cave entrance. Nebulia saw me stir and called Eclipso over. "Hello dear, did you sleep alright?" Nebulia asked. "Yep, just fine." I said. "Well then, I guess that you have many things to ask." Nebulia said. "I do." I said. "Well, what do you want to know first?" Nebulia asked. "For starters, what did you mean last night about there not being many dragons left in the world? And what that has to do with the dragon eggs that were falling out of the sky." I said. "Okay. A couple years ago, a Dragon Slayer went on a rampage during a war. That Dragon Slayer killed all of the other Dragon Slayers and most of the dragons. Those dragons that weren't killed were left in a half-dead state. And those most shocking thing of all, was that, since the Dragon Slayer misused his power, he turned into a dragon. And his name was.." Nebulia said. "What?! What was his name?!" I asked. 'It was a he?' I wondered. "His Acnologia!!" Eclipso said.

"Acnologia?!" I squeaked, remembering my first (and, I hoped, last) encounter with Acnologia. it was terrifying to remember. I ran over to the edge of the cave and threw up over the side, not that I had much in my stomach. I went back over to Nebulia and Eclipso. "I'm fine. Just fine." I said. "I'm sorry that you remembered what happened that time when I mentioned his name." Eclipso said. "It's fine dad." I said. "Well, how did Acnologia become a dragon, other than abuse his powers." I asked. "It's simple, really, when you think about it." Eclipso said. "When a Dragon Slayer uses their magic a lot, it causes a process called Dragonification. Dragonification is just what it says. It turns the user of the magic into a dragon. There is no cure, and the only way to stop it is to have anti-bodies for it, which dragons have." Nebulia said. "Why did Acnologia do that? Weren't some of those he slayed his comrades, his friends?" I asked. "He didn't think that." Eclipso said bitterly. "Why did he do that?" I asked. "No one knows. Not even me." Nebulia said. "It shocked all of the dragons that did survive. Since Nebulia is also very knowledgeable." Eclipso said. "Oh dear. Stop." Nebulia said. "Let me process this, then I'll ask my next question." I said. "Take all the time you need, Sora." Nebulia said. "Thanks." I said. I then went to go get some food. I was hungry.

 I was hungry

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