Chapter Fourteen: Answers (Part III)

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Sora's POV

I was shocked by all of this new information, especially that last part. 'So, Natsu is a demon. How. His aura wasn't that of a demon's.' I wondered. "Also," I said. "What is it, Sora?" Nebulia asked. "How? How will you be able to make the anti-bodies to stop the Dragonification?" I asked. "Well, that has to do with a deal we made. Well, Igneel made the deal, along with him and a Celestial wizard." Eclipso said. "What's a Celestial wizard?" I asked. "Celestial wizards use special keys to summon Celestial beings from their world to our world to fight for the wizard. You need to make a contract before you can start using a Celestial spirit. Once you do, it takes a lot of magical energy to keep the gate open for the spirit, especially if that spirit is an extremely powerful one. And the more spirit gate you open, the more of a toll it takes on a person's body." Eclipso explained. "So, is it similar to your magic, Eclipso? Father?" I asked. "Yes. It is similar, but there are major differences." Eclipso said.

"Ok. So, what was the deal made? It has something to do with the dragons and Dragon Slayers, right?" I asked. "It does." Nebulia said. "It has to do with Acnologia and the Dragon Slayers. There are two reasons for it. The dragons will reside inside of their Dragon Slayer for those two reasons only. One, to rest and heal our bodies in an Ethernano rich environment to help heal our damaged souls so that we can fight Acnologia and kill him. Two, to provide anti-bodies for the Dragonification so that you won't have to fear becoming a dragon. And the thing is, we will have to travel through time to find that right place. That is why a Celestial wizard is needed, so that the decedents know how and when to summon us back into the world." Nebulia explained.

"So, the dragons will disappear from the world, hiding inside of their children until the time is right. While at the same time, protecting their children so they don't end up like Acnologia? Did I get that right?" I asked. "Yes, and that time is fast approaching. And it will be very dangerous for you, because you will have two dragons inside of you." Eclipso said. "Will I be able to talk with you ever again?" I asked. "Yes, you will be able to talk to all of us dragons, but only if you're will to have us unseal your ability to hear thoughts." Nebulia said. "I'm ready. I'll keep it a secret from the other Dragon Slayers, and wait until the time is right." I said. I looked at Galaxia, who was sleeping the entire time. 'Sorry Galaxia. Looks like I will have to lie to you for a while.' I thought. "Quick question." I said. "Yes?" Nebulia said. "I can hear people's thoughts and communicate with them when I use that ability. But will they be able to hear my thoughts while I communicate with them through thought? Or will it only work one way?" I asked. "It will only work one way, I assure you." Nebulia said. "Good. It would be weird if random people heard my thoughts." I said. "Well, then. Rest. Tomorrow is the day. You won't see us tomorrow, so now is the best time to unseal that power." Nebulia said. "You will have to learn to control it on your own. Is that fine with you?" Eclipso asked. "Yes. If I can't control a little outside noise, then how will I be able to see you again!" I said, determined. "Alright then. Get ready." Nebulia said. They pointed their tails towards me. I wasn't afraid. They moved the tips towards my head. I wasn't afraid. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I felt the tail tips touch my forehead. I felt something inside of me 'awaken'. It must have been the power. I opened my eyes and saw them smiling at me. I didn't hear anything different. "Good night." I said. I fell asleep. Little did I know that this 'nap' would go on for 400 years. Until July 7th, X777.

 Until July 7th, X777

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