This is the origin story of Sora Nova. She is a Dragon Slayer that knows two different types of Dragon Slayer Magic. She has a near-death experience with a certain man who appears later in her life. She also will learn about a prophecy about herself...
I woke up to a warm breeze and the delicious scent of cooked meat. I hadn't smelled that in a loooooooong time. I went over to the smell, Galaxia flying close behind. I saw Nebulia cooking meat over a fire and Eclipso laying on the floor. When Nebulia looked over at me, she said "Well, good morning Sora. We have some surprises for you today." I asked what kind of surprises. All she said was "One isn't that significant, and the other is very significant." I asked her what the not-so-significant one was. She said that it was a last name. I was surprised, because 1.) I don't know my last name before I was found by Nebulia and 2.) I was getting a last name for crying out loud! I asked what my last name was, and she said that "From this day forth, you, Sora, shall be known as Sora Nova." I was happy at the name and started giggling. So did Galaxia.
I asked Nebulia if I could have some meat and Nebulia brought some over to me. As I was eating, along with Galaxia, I was wondering what the other surprise was. As if reading my thoughts, Nebulia said that the other surprise would be revealed by Eclipso. After eating, I asked Eclipso what the other surprise was. He said that he would take me to meet the other dragons and their 'children' and that I had to familiarize myself with their scents before we got home. I was ecstatic over the idea of meeting the other Dragon Slayers. I asked Eclipso if I could bring Galaxia with, and he said that I couldn't. I asked why and Nebulia responded for him. "It is because the other Dragon Slayers don't have an Exceed yet, and we don't want their first impression of an Exceed to be a purple fox." she said. I was a bit down-hearten by this, but I bounced back and said that I couldn't wait. I told Galaxia that I would be gone for a while and that I would be back soon. Galaxia started to cry at this. I told her that she should be kind to Nebulia and keep an eye on the other eggs, in case they hatched. Galaxia stopped crying and nodded. She can't talk yet, and knew how to fly and summon her wings when needed.
I went over to Eclipso and got onto his back. We set off. "Who will we meet first?" I asked. "First we will meet Igneel and his son, Natsu. Be on your best behavior when you see them. Oh, and, ignore Natsu's attempt to battle you. He is just an obnoxious brat who is arrogant and over-confident." He said. "Then we will meet Grandeeney and her daughter, Wendy. She is a kind girl who also is a bit shy. After her is Metalicana and his son, Gajeel. After him is Weisslogia and his son, Sting. Then finally we will meet Skiadrum and his son, Rogue. After that, we will head back home." he said. Wow, I had to meet five dragon and their children and memorize their scents and have them remember my scent. I also gave myself the extra task of remembering their auras. I then started to fall asleep and told Eclipso to wake me up when we landed.
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