Chapter Thirteen: Answers (Part II)

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Sora's POV

After I grabbed some food, meat because meat, I went back over to where Nebulia and Eclipso were. "So, what did almost all of the dragons being killed have to do with the dragon eggs in here?" I asked while pointing towards the eggs. "That's because, well, Grandeeney and I are the last female dragons in the world." Nebulia said. I just stared, shocked by what she said. "S-so, y-you and G-Grandeeney a-are the l-last female d-dragons i-in the w-world?" I asked, stuttering from shock. "Yes. And we are, how do I say this, unable to mate. Meaning that there won't be any more dragons." Nebulia said sadly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I said, ashamed. "Don't worry. I came to terms with it long ago." Nebulia said. "Okay." I say with tears in my eyes.

"What else do you want to ask?" Eclipso asked. "What you and the other dragons were talking about. Something about me and a prophecy." I said. "Well. The prophecy is as follows. 'There will come a time when someone, both human and dragon, tries to destroy the world. When that time comes, the savior will rise up. This savior shall be a girl of many gifts; two types of magic, many companions, human and otherwise, the ability to detect auras, and hear thoughts. When she comes, she will need to be trained in order to fight the coming evil. Though, she will have to team-up with a demon from the past who hides for than he shows.' That is the prophecy, anyway." Nebulia said. "Okay, I get most of this, but there is something wrong with it." I said. "And what would that be?" Eclipso asked. "I can't hear thoughts." I said. "Well, there is a reason to that." Nebulia said. "And that would be?" I asked. "We sealed that ability away when you first were imbued with the power of a Dragon Slayer." Nebulia said. "It was so that you wouldn't be completely overwhelmed with unknown thoughts while you trained." Eclipso said. "Thanks. I guess that I would be a bit overwhelmed." I said sheepishly.

"I have one last thing to ask." I said. "What would that be?" Nebulia asked. "When the prophecy said that I 'will have to team-up with a demon from the past', it means him, doesn't it?" I asked. The dragons looked at each other. "It does." Nebulia says grimly. "From what Igneel told us, he will have something to do with the future, the prophecy, and.." Nebulia said. "And..?" I asked. "His own death." Eclipso finished. "What do you mean by that?" I ask, wondering why someone like that, like him, wanted to die. "He did an illegal thing. Broke one of the most forbidden of forbidden taboos a wizard could make." Eclipso said. "And that would be?" I asked, not sure if I wanted the answer. "He was researching how to bring back someone who died." Nebulia said. "Who?" I asked, wanting to know more about the man who almost killed me nearly three years ago. "His younger brother, and I believe that you met him. In fact, he was probably the first one you met." Nebulia said. "No. It, it can't be." I said, extremely shocked. "How. How did he bring him back?" I asked. "He made demons, and placed them in books. One of those demons is called E.N.D., otherwise known as Etherious Natsu Dragneel." Nebulia said. 


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