More Than We Can Handle

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"Castiel! Where are you?" Cas held the phone up to his ear, listening to what his brother had to say. "That is none of your concern Gabriel, I am safe and unharmed." My broken wing twitched painfully. I felt bad lying to my brother but he was always the one to worry. "Fine. I'll see you later then." Came his gruff response before he abruptly hung up. I could feel Dean' s accusing gaze on me. "You lied." Cpt. Obvious much? " Yes. So? Is that a crime?" I ran my hand across my face, primarily my tired eyes. " Well no but... I suspect he's your brother. Isn't family supposed to tell eachother the truth?" I hummed, leaning up against a black impala that I assumed was his due to the warning hiss he gave me when I touched it. My trench coat had many tears in it and I could feel something red and sticky beginning to ooze out of a painful line on my chest. "Do you know how to work a needle and thread?" I asked. He nodded, staring at the growing stain of red on my shirt. He dug through his pocket until he wrapped his fingers around the cold metal of his keys, pulling it out and unlocking the car. "Get in. You obviously need help and someone who isn't a hunter might just flip out." I nodded, sliding into the passengers seat and shifting until I could get comfortable with my wings trapped behind me. The drive to where Dean was taking me was silent except for the few times he tried to strike up a conversation.

"So... do you hunt?"



"What happened back there?"

"I was looking for my brother when the demon came out and over powered me. It broke my wing and scratched my chest."



"What are you?" He asked, his face emotionless. "I'm an angel of the lord. Or atleast... I was." I sighed, looking out the window. He pulled up into a motel parking lot and stopped outside room 413. "Come on, also, put this over your wings." He tossed me a jacket, climbing out of the car and unlocking the door. I draped the leather material over the soft feathers and hurried inside, looking around at the room. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, watching him as he closed and locked the door before shutting the blinds and hurrying off to fond something. He came back after a couple minutes of cursing from the bathroom carrying a first aid kit.

"Sit." He ordered, throwing his jacket on the single bed. He told me to strip my shirt and coat off, a light blush dusting his cheeks. O hesitantly peeled off the stained fabric, leaving my torso bare. Three long gashes stretched across my chest. He grumbled under his breath, getting to work. I tried not to flinch when he poured disinfectant on it. The wounds sizzled and I bit my lip, shaking as he grabbed a needle and thread. "This may hurt..." He said as he began sewing the skin back together. I whimpered, tears stinging my eyes. He shushed me, intent on his work. After ten unbearable minutes of agony, he pulled away, snipping the string and tying it. I watched him grab a splint and some gauze. "Sorry." He apologized before taking a hold of my wing and snapping it back into place. I felt myself scream, though I didn't hear it over the pounding in my ears. "All done." He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before pulling off his clothes and walking over to the bed. I watched him with greedy eyes, taking in every detail of his slim waist and abs. He looked back at me and sighed, defeat washing over his features. "Fine." He muttered, patting the empty spot on the large bed. I stood up quickly, stretching my good wing out before jumping on the bed, snuggling under the covers. "Thank you Dean Winchester." I slowly drifted off to sleep with his warm body pushed up against mine.

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