Chapter 9: Vanessa

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  I can see the lights pass us by on the highway. Rain pounding on the window, dripping down like tear drops. We turn onto an exit. 

" I fell like we need to get to know each other a little better."

I turn to look at Sebastian and find him staring at me as if he's going to eat me up. His gaze burning right through me. It's terrifying. I wonder why he trusts me so much to not restrain me. What if I try to escape and yell for help. What will he do then? What kind of guy would kidnap someone without restraints.

" I wish I could tell what is going on in that beautiful mind of yours."  He says without blinking. 

I see something sparkle in his eyes. The car lurches to a stop and Sebastian hops out, closing the door gently this time. I look out the window and see swings dancing in the wind. Sebastian blocks my view and opens the door. He reaches his hand out for me to grab. The cold wind bites at my skin as I step outside the car.  My legs are stiff from sitting in the car all that time. I don't even know how long it's been or even if we're in the same city. My feet make a crunching sound as Sebastian leads me to the swings. I look down to the ground and notice the blades of grass covered with frost. I sit down on the swing as Sebastian seats himself to the one next to mine. 

" I used to love coming here when I was a child." He says. I can see his warm breath in the air as he speaks.

" My parents would fight all the time. Dad hated my guts and mom loved me more than anything in the world. Dad would always beat me and mother. Mom and I would run up the stairs and she'd tell she's so sorry and to run, just before dad dragged her away from me to beat her for something she didn't mean to do. Every time I thought of running away, I would come here. It reminded me of the good times my family used to have. It reminded me of you when I came here and watched the stars at night. Then things felt better and I didn't want to run away anymore. But I'd always come back..."

I look at him and wonder what he meant by this place reminding him of me. Does he know me? Did I know him? I look closer at him and study him. I notice he has a stressed look in his face, as if he's been through a lot. His eyes are blurred. He hides his face from me as I see a tear drip down his cheek. I wonder why he would care if he's going to kill me anyway. My mind comes up blank when I try to think of a time when I was ever here. This place is totally unfamiliar to me. I look around and see that there is no road for miles. The place almost seems like it's in a horror movie.

White specks fall to the ground. I look up. It's snowing! I can't believe it. It kinda looked nice. I could just imagine the way we looked right now and it looked like a paradise, felt peaceful, given the circumstances. 

Then, a flashback comes to me. I remember being here once.

I was a little girl, maybe 6 years. The ground was covered with at least half a foot of snow, flakes falling form the sky. I don't see my parents anywhere. Only me and two other people are there. One of them is my age and the other looks about 4 years old. I am crying and my tears feel like icicles as they freeze to my face. The other 6 year old comes up to me. "Are you ok?" he asks. I shook my head no. " What's wrong?" he asks. " It's my parents." I replied. He gives a sad smile. " I know how you feel. My parents fight too"He says. He sits next to me on the snow covered ground and gives me a hug. He's a complete stranger and yet I don't want to push him away. I want his comfort. Maybe that's why my mom always yelled at me, because I was always trusting strangers instead of my own family. She'd say that someday I'd get kidnapped, raped or killed because I wasn't being careful. My tears soak his jacket. " My name's Bash" He says. " What's yours?" I look up at him. His eyes are a pretty hazel. I wonder if I should tell him my name. " My name's Vanessa." I told him. " That's my little brother over there. His name is Noah. We come here whenever our parents fight. They never even notice we're gone. My brother is only 4 years old and doesn't understand as much as I do. I just tell him we're going to take a trip. Nobody knows about this place but us, and now apparently you as well. How did you find this place?" I look at the littler boy with blond hair that is slightly curled. He's looks so happy as if nothing's wrong but something in his eyes show the opposite, like sadness but not quite. I wonder if Bash notices this about his brother. "I just kept running through the woods and found it. I don't even know how to get home now." He hugs me tighter and his lips brush against my temple as he puts his chin on the top of my head. " I will help you, don't worry. But you can't tell anyone about this place. It's our secret ok? I don't want people to be able to find me." I look at him. " Ok." I promised; And I knew I would keep and take this secret to my grave.

I am snapped back to reality as I feel someone grab hold of my hand.

 " Are you ok?" Those same exact words said by that little boy back then. I look at Sebastian. He has hazel eyes just like him. Could he be the same boy from all those years ago? Who was he really? I wish I could remember more or knew more about him. Maybe a last name. But something inside me makes me feel like I already know him all too well.

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