Chapter 11: Tyler

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   Vanessa hasn't made any contact with me in awhile and it's been a full 24 hours. She's always trying to check in on me because she is worried. Even though I'm the older one and should  be more concerned about her. Well, now I am.

  I unlock her front door with the spare key she had given me and walk across the threshold. I noticed her car wasn't in the driveway so I figured there would be a clue to where she went inside. 

   I look around and don't see anything misplaced. I take a look upstairs and I noticed that her bed had been all messed up and not made. That's so unlike her. Maybe she was just in a rush this morning. 

   There was no sign of where she was headed. I locked up and headed to town. 

   I looked everywhere she could've gone and nobody's seen her. The last place I would check is the Ocean Blue, she wasn't a very big drinker. But, I thought to be safe I'd check anyway. With luck, the bartender said they did see her last night. I asked him if he saw which way she had headed and he said no.

   "By the way, there was a guy who was trying to get her attention and she just brushed him off. He didn't look too happy." The bartender whispered to me before I left.

  " That's typical of my sister. Did you see him follow her out when she left?"

   "No. She denied him a dance, she left. He just hung his head and took maybe one or two shots at the bar." He replied.

   "OK. Thanks so much. If you see, hear, or know anything will you let me know?" 

   "No problem little man." He responds with a wink.

   "Thanks." I replied.

   I walk out the bar and head back to the house, wondering the whole time what would my parents do when I tell them, or if I'm going to tell them. What can I say to them when she doesn't show up for dinner tonight? Vanessa and I were always best buds. She was always happy to have an older brother to hang out with who could understand her. My parents expect me to know everything on her whereabouts and so on and so fourth. Oh well. I guess I could tell them she found a new boyfriend or something and cover for her. She so owes me right now. 

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