Chapter 7

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After Quinn told me that Finn was doing drugs I ran to go find him. I was running around the whole school frustrated. I went to the field and it was empty, I didn't realize I was crying until Sam came up to me,

"Hey, hey you ok??" He asked worried

If he's here I wonder who else is here. So I look around him wiping away the little tears I had left.

"I'm fine, have you seen Finn?" I asked hopeful

I saw Rachel running around like a crazy person while crying. I swear if Finn already screwed up I'm going to be so mad at him. I won't be able to do anything since he's a scary 6'3 dude, but I'll still be mad at him.

"I'm fine, have you seen Finn?" She asked me gripping onto my shoulders desperately

I could feel butterflies in my stomach when she touches me.

"Um, n-no sorry" I stuttered

"Ok, thanks" she nodded her head while running away

"I love you" I whispered as she ran after Finn, not me,

Rachel POV
Ok so Sam was no help, and Kurt left, and he was my ride home. Quinn's probably gone too. I don't know if we're slowly going back to being friends, but I'm not going to ask her for a ride.

I just gave up and decided to go home. Well walk home.

After Rachel gets home
I haven't been able to focus on any homework. I just want to talk to Finn. I need to know if he's still doing that kind of stuff. I need him to know I don't want him doing that stuff. I just need Finn.


I'm all alone in this big house and I hear a thump, coming from my room. So naturally I grab a lamp nearby and slowly go to open my door. As I do I check the inside and see Finn scrambling to get up. I let out a sigh, and put the lamp down and hug Finn.

"Woah, you ok?" He asked me hugging back

"Please tell me Quinn was lying and you're not doing drugs" I asked feeling my eyes start to water

He looks shocked and he hugs me closer,

"I'm not doing drugs," he answered

I let out another sigh of relief,

"But there's something you need to know" he said pulling away

I got worried as he guided me toward my bed to sit,

"When I found out, or thought that I found out, that you cheated I lost my way," he started off

I look at him with sad eyes. I didn't mean for that to happen

"So I asked around for something to help me forget, and Sage was new and she asked if I wanted some cocaine, but I told her no, so she gave me some weed" he said ashamed

"Finn.." I said but he cut me off

"I know, it was stupid, but I felt lonely and I had never tried it, so I did try it" he said looking down "and it was a disaster for the first hour, so I stashed the rest away" he said disappointed in himself "but Blaine found it and sage found out that I didn't use all of it and she got mad and threatened Blaine and I if we didn't give her, her money, she wold make sure bad things happens to us" Finn said freaked out

"Blaine wasn't buying it so he shook her off like nothing, and then a couple days later some guys slushied him, but the slushy had rock salt, rach, that slushy nearly blinded him and the school did nothing because it was in a slushy and there was no proof of the rock salt," Finn said spooked out

"So I got scared and told sage I didn't have that kind of money and if there was anything else I could do" Finn shrugged

"She told me I had to date her for the rest of high school, until I can give her her money back, that's why I've been working extra shifts at Burts tire shop, and everyone thinks I'm a drug addict, but I'm not, I promise" Finn finished

I didn't know what to say, so I hug him and I hug him real tight. But he didn't hug back, this time he pulled away,

"That's why I'm here rach, to tell you to stay away from me, I don't want you getting hurt" he said sad

"Finn, I can help you, I'll-i'll give you the money so you can be free" I reasoned desperate

"No I don't want your money, in fact I don't want you anywhere near me" he said standing up

"Please Finn, I can help you, let me help you" I said abut to cry

"Go to other places, look the other way when you see me, d-date other people, I don't know just stay away" he said going out the window,

Leaving me here........alone

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