Chapter 11

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First part is when Rachel was talking to britana
Finn POV
I was going to my locker when I saw Rachel. How can someone so small have such a big effect on me like this? It's also not fair how beautiful she is without even trying. I want to go up to her and kiss her so badly. But I'm with Sage, but Sage left today.

I was actually pretty happy about that. Even if it's for two months I still get my freedom. I also want to be with Rachel for the summer, but it wouldn't be fair, or right. Cheating is wrong. Unless you never loved the person right? Wait no! What am I saying? Cheating is cheating and it's still bad. No matter to who.

"Hey Finn, I heard psycho Sage left" Kurt greeted

"Yeah, um to London" I answer

"Nows your chance you know" He told me

"To do what?" I asked confused

"To be with Rachel you doofus! Sage is gone you love Rachel and it's obvious you guys are meant to be. Stupid Sage doesn't stand a chance" Kurt explains

"Kurt I can't do that, that's cheating" I answer frustrated

I close my locker and decide to walk away. Damn! While I was talking to Kurt I lost Rachel.

"Does it really matter, especially if you don't even like the person you're dating?" He asked

Hey that's what I said! Maybe if I......NO! This is wrong, I can't do that to Rachel. String her along, only to go back to Sage in the end. It's not fair to her.

"I can't Kurt," I tell him

He follows me as I walk to glee club,

"Everyone knows you guys love each other and in the end neither of you is going to be able to stay away and you'll end up in each other arms like you always do!" Kurt yells

"I can stay away because I can't care for her anymore and I won't!" I yell back

But Kurt doesn't respond he just points me to where we're at. The choir room. Where Rachel is. She looks offended. Everyone is staring at us. Rachel gets up and walks out, I can see she was about to cry. So I get mad and kick the chair. Damn it!

This day sucks.

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