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Stiles rolled over onto his back and softly bumped into another figure. He opened one of his eyes to take a peak. Lydia, who was curled into a ball, was right beside him. He heard her quiet snores and he smiled softly.

Her red hair looked like a blazing fire against his white pillows. The sun made it look like it was glistening.

He turned so his chest was against the arch of her back. Stiles draped his arm over her body and pulled her closer without waking her up.

He placed a kiss on a part of her arm that her shirt didn't cover. She made a grumbling sound in her sleep and stirred. Stiles moved up and kissed her covered shoulder.

"Stiles," Lydia muttered. He laughed and kissed her cheek. Lydia tried pulling the covers over her face. Stiles held the blankets down, making her groan.

She turned around and opened her eyes slowly. Lydia looked up at the boy and gave him a soft glare. Stiles leaned down and pecked her lips.

Lydia nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck and placed a kiss there. She closed her eyes and tried to fall back to sleep. Stiles wrapped his arms around her small waist and held her there for a few minutes.

"I love you," He said quietly. Lydia's soft breathing hitched slightly, as if his words startled her. But they did, his words did startle her. She knew that Stiles loved her but she never heard him say it before.

Lydia fisted his shirt and pulled herself closer to him. She was going to say it back when a single word slipped from her mouth.


Stiles blew out a short breath and chuckled lightly. "Why what?"

"Why do you love me?" Lydia asked, not daring to look at him. She knew she was blushing and looking at him would just make her more embarrassed.

Stiles sat up, bringing her with him. Lydia did her best to keep her face planted in his shirt. Stiles took her hands and pulled her so that they were face to face. He smirked when he saw her pink cheeks and she grumbled lightly. Stiles reached over and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"I started liking you quite a while ago," He admitted. His cheeks started to warm up as well. Lydia stayed quiet and listened to him speak.

"I realized I liked you when you told Mr. Bronozzi off when we were freshmen," He said with a chuckle. Lydia fought the urge to roll her eyes. "He called on you to answer a question when you weren't paying attention. I still remember the look you had on your face.

"I never talked to you because we had different friend groups. So, over the months I kinda gave up I guess. Then you weren't in any of my classes sophomore year. But this year you were and I told myself that this was going to be the year that I would finally man up and talk to you.

"I ended up getting your number from that Sarah chick in our study hall. I had it for over a week before Scott took my phone and added you to our group chat. And you know what happened after that..."

Lydia laughed and rubbed her eyes. "You're an idiot," She commented. Stiles smirked.

She crawled onto his lap and placed her hands on both sides of his face. Stiles watched her with his honey-brown eyes as she leaned in and connect her lips with his.

Her hands inched backwards and her arms wrapped around his neck. She pulled him forwards softly, making a small noise escape from his mouth.

Her tongue lightly dragged across his bottom lip and he immediately opened his mouth, not wasting a second to let her in. Lydia's tongue roamed freely until it rubbed against his.

Their teeth bit at each other's lips, which were beginning to get numb from the action. Their noses brushed past the other's and Stiles placed his lips firmly against hers. This kiss was much slower and meaningful. It was as if his lips were speaking the words his voice couldn't.

Stiles tugged on her shirt and she lifted her arms so he could take it off. He pulled the black t-shirt off of her body and threw it onto the floor next to his bed. Lydia helped him take off his and then they both fumbled to unzip her pants.

Lydia tugged her skinny jeans down her legs and kicked them off. Stiles untied the strings on his sweatpants and soon, they were both naked.

Stiles flipped them around so he was hovering over her. His lips collided with hers and then he began to place kisses against her jawline. "You want to do this right?" He whispered against her skin. Lydia nodded and started kissing his lips again.

Stiles reached over and opened the top drawer of his bedside table. His hands searched inside the messy thing until he felt the foil packet between his fingers. He pulled it out and closed the drawer. Stiles pulled away from Lydia's mouth to roll the condom down his erect member.

He positioned himself between Lydia's legs and he looked at her. She nodded and he slowly entered her. Tears brimmed her eyes but she encouraged him to go faster. Her nails dug into his bare back as he rocked harder inside her. Stiles placed his lips on her neck and began to suck on the sensitive skin there at the same pace as his thrusts.

And a few moments later, they were both erupting into pure bliss. Stiles placed a hazy kiss onto her lips before laying down beside her. She curled into him as they both laid there, panting and sweaty.

Writers Note:

I felt so embarrassed writing this cuz my friend from school read my smut and just 😂 ugh omg....

So Valarie if you're reading this: Hello and yes I know i need Jesus

Just kidding Jesus needs me

Anyways vote and comment! Probs next chapter will be the last. Yas, i know :(

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