Chapter Ten

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I wake up to the feeling of Thomas kissing my shoulder blades. I groaned in annoyance.

"Thomasssss. I'm trying to sleeeeeeep." I say tiredly.

"You complain a lot, love." He says, then kisses them again.

I turn around to face him, but as I moved my body, "Holy crap! Gosh, Thomas, I'm really sore."

"I'm sorry, Snowflake. Do you need to take a hot bath? A hot shower? I'd be glad to help you, like I did last time."

I remember the last time he took a bath with me, and I blushed.

"No, I can take one by myself. I'll just go in a minute." I say, yawning.

"Can you walk?"

"Yes Thomas, I'm not crippled, I can walk." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I really want to tickle you right now... But I guess I'll do it later, since your aren't feeling well. I'll do it when you least expect it." He says, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Thomasssssss." I said that a lot, didn't I?

"Kyliiiiieeeee." He says back. I slap him playfully on the arm. He kisses my nose, and I scrunch it, making him laugh, which made me laugh, reluctantly of course.

"Okay, I'm gonna take a bath now." I sit up, wincing a little, then, quickly, I hurry to the bathroom, trying to ignore the protests my muscles were giving me. I was naked after all, and Thomas didn't need to see me like that right now...

I start the bath, letting hot water fill it, then step in. After about a minute, I could feel my muscles starting to slowly relax, and I let myself relax a little as well.

I thought about last night, but quickly stopped, because my whole body had turned hot from the memory.

"Thomas! Can you slip my iPod under the door? Gently please!" I call to him.

"Sure, sure." He answers from the other room, and he slips my iPod under the door.

I turn on my K-pop, putting it on shuffle, and sing along to the songs I knew.

As I was leaning back with my eyes closed, singing, I heard Thomas faintly laughing. I open my eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" I yell, already having an idea what it was.

"Your singing is just so adorable. Some of the words don't match what the bands are saying." He started laughing again.

"It is on some of the songs! I don't sing the songs I don't know, I just hum them. Hey, stop laughing!" I crossed my arms over my chest, and was relieved to feel that there wasn't much pain there.

"Alright, alright." He says, but every once in a while, I could hear him chuckling.

I got out of the bathtub and drained it, then dried off. I wrapped the towel around my body tightly, and walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes. I felt somewhat better, the soreness was bearable now.

I saw that there was a stack of clothes on the bed, waiting for me. Thomas had picked out my clothes for me.

I smiled to myself, and looked around for him. He wasn't in my room, so I guessed he was probably in the kitchen or something.

I put my clothes on, which included one of his shirts, which was big on me, and some shorts. I loved wearing his shirts, they smelled like him. I walked out of my room to smell something cooking. I walked into the kitchen, Lulu and Midnight following me.

Thomas was making my favorite food: spaghetti. I smiled again, and walked over beside him.

"I'm sorry if it tastes bad, I don't usually cook..." He says in an embarrassed voice. I just laugh and lay my head against his arm.

"It's fine. I'm super hungry, so I'll probably eat it if it's burnt. Probably." Thomas laughs, then continues to cook.

I go to the living room and turn on the tv, but nothing was on, so I just rest my eyes.

After a while, Thomas tells me that lunch is ready. I walk into the kitchen and sit down. When I taste the food, it was good. I ate hungrily, and Thomas just watched, a goofy grin on his face.

"You want mine too?" He asked jokingly.

"Yeah." I say, and reach for his plate.

Thomas pulls his plate away, glaring playfully at me, "No."

When we were both finished, we both say on the couch and played 'Would You Rather'.

"Would you rather eat only hot dogs or hamburgers for the rest of your life." Thomas asks me.

"Neither, that would be really unhealthy."

"You have to pick one." Thomas says.

"I have to?" I say in a fake whiny voice.

Thomas rolls his eyes. "Yes."

"Hamburgers. You can have more variety with them, I think." I answer. "Would you rather have no candy or no soda for the rest of your life?" I ask.

"Oooh, that's tough. Do I have to choose?" He mimics me.

"Yessss." I answer, lean in and kiss his cheek.

"No soda, I think. I couldn't live without chocolate. I'm just glad that won't happen." He leans in and kisses my cheek back.

We continue to play that for a while. After a while the questions didn't even make sense. Thomas had asked, "Would you rather live with a caveman or eat mustard with your ice cream?"

Those had no relation to each other. But it made us both laugh. I then asked him, "Would you rather make a movie with Harry Truman or Teddy Roosevelt?" And he just blinked at me.

"Well, they weren't actors, they were never in any movies, and... They're dead. So I can't really answer that one."

"Yes you can Thomas. Don't break the rules."

"But it doesn't make any sense!"

We argued about it for a while, and he finally picked Teddy Roosevelt.

I thoroughly enjoyed my day with Thomas, and as we fell asleep beside each other that night, he rubbed my back soothingly.

Marry Me~Sequel To Kiss Me~A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now