Chapter Twenty-One

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Planning for a wedding can be stressful.

And it can be weird when you are living with the person you're going to marry, but also with your mom. 

My mom was staying with us for a while, to help me plan my big day.

Thomas and I couldn't really show too much affection without feeling really awkward, even if we are behind closed doors.  Just knowing that my mom was there was strange.

My grandfather would walk me down the aisle.  We weren't extremely close, but my mom and I visited every so often, and he was thrilled that I asked him. 

I had some problems though.  I needed bridesmaids.  The only person I could think of was Erica.  She accepted of course.  I also needed flower girls.  I didn't know any little girls.  I was starting to stress. 

I decided that, even though we didn't talk much anymore, I would ask three of my cousins.  We had all hung out and played together when we were younger, and we would still talk sometimes. 

They all said yes.  My stress level lowered a little after they accepted. 

Thomas always rubbed my back when I was starting to freak out.  He always hugged me and told me everything was alright. 

I kept asking if he was sure that he wanted to marry me.  He always said that he was sure, with all his heart, and he always will be.

We usually just kind of cuddled after that.

I decided I would have to worry about the flower girls later. 

Thomas and I were going to get married in our church that we went to.  We were going to get married on October 22.  I had always wanted a fall wedding. 

My mom and Erica helped me pick out the perfect dress.  I tried on a lot, but a lot of those showed too much skin, and I didn't want people to see my burns and scars and everything.  My mom and Erica assured me that people would not care about them, that it would be fine.  But it was really hard to believe them.  Other than that, it was really fun shopping for a wedding dress.  We all laughed at some ridiculous looking dresses, and we all laughed when some of the dresses could barely get over my head.  But in the end, we picked out the perfect dress, shoes, jewelry, and veil. 

The dress was long, stopping where my ankles were.  It had 3 quarter length sleeves, and it was decorated in beautiful lace patterns, like flowers and all.  It wasn't poofy, but it had a little bit of lift to the skirt part, so it looked perfect.

"You are so beautiful, Kylie. Thomas is going to love it." My mom says.

"But you can see a little bit of my burn marks and-"

"Oh, just shush, Kylie. You look absolutely gorgeous, just deal with it." Erica says, grinning.


We pick out some white heels, not too high, because I could barely walk in wedges. I never wore anything good fancy, so this was going to be interesting.

We picked out the jewelry after that.

Then, we picked out a dress for the reception afterwards.

"Mom, I can just wear one of my own dresses that I have, we don't need to buy a new one-"

"Sweetie, you have two dresses, and they are both for church. If you wear them to the reception afterwards, you'll look so weird, no offense honey." My mom says.

I just roll my eyes, and Erica laughs. I was secretly really excited, because this was actually happening, this was really happening!

I end up picking out a light purple dress that stopped just below my knees. I decided I would just wear some flats with it. I already had a pair at home, so we didn't have to buy anything.

Marry Me~Sequel To Kiss Me~A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now