Chapter Fourteen

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My thoughts are plagued by doubts and worries and insults about myself. I looked like and WAS a mess. I'd been in the hospital for over a week now, and I just wanted to leave.

My hands... They're just totally ruined. They were all sensitive and tender and I hated it. And my feet hurt when I walked, but not as much as when I used my hands.

I was screwed. I couldn't work like this, I couldn't do ANYTHING like this.

The only good news I had gotten while I was here was that Oscar would live. He was still at the vet, but he would live. I was so happy when I heard that. At least I didn't get burned for nothing I guess.

Thomas had gotten out of the hospital yesterday. I was happy about this too, but for some reason, they wouldn't let him visit me. Maybe because I looked like crap, and I will for a long time, if not forever.

And that brings me to one of the most distressing thoughts in my mind: Will he still want to be with me, will he still love me when he sees me like this?

These thoughts had been in my mind before. But that was a time when I was at a low point, and Thomas helped me through it.

But now... now was different. I knew that when I got out of the hospital, people would stare, they would always stare.

And I hated being around a lot of people, and I hated being stared at, being judged.

I don't know how I was going to get through the rest of my life.

I kept praying that Thomas wouldn't look away or flinch whenever he would see me.

I missed Lulu and Midnight. I missed my co-workers. I missed the shelter and all the animals and I missed Cal and Oscar and I missed Thomas and I just missed everything. My only comfort was my mom. She was with my everyday for the whole day. She would entertain me, tell me some news and gossip, and just try and make me feel a bit better.

Sometimes it worked, but more often I just didn't listen. After a while, I think she caught on when I wasn't listening, because she didn't talk as much now.

They changed my doctor because he was just rude and stupid and we always butted heads. My new doctor was a female, and she was super nice.

I don't know how long I'll be in here, which is making me crazy. But I know that it will be while. And I just wanted to leave.

Everyday they gave me medicine and did stuff to help my burns. I just wanted to heal in like, one day.

Wouldn't that be nice? Being able to heal from some huge injury in just one day?

I think of all the books I had read about someone giving people something to eat or wizards or things like that, and they just magically healed. That was pretty cool.

My head jumps all over the place. I have nothing to do, I just lay on this dumb hospital bed all day and all night. I can't read cause I can't hold a book. I can't play on my phone because I can't hold my phone. Well, I can hold it for about 3 minutes before it hurts really bad, so I just don't try.

I want to get out of here, these white walls are so boring, I want my light blue walls in my bedroom.

I want to leave.

*3 Weeks Later*

I think I've gone crazy. I really think I have.

My mom comes doesn't stay as long as she did before. I was a bit better, so I told her to go rest. I was fine with being alone I guess. But I just talk to myself now. Out loud. I guess I did that anyways, but it's like all day now. I have full conversations with myself. I hope it's just the loneliness that is making me do this.

I kept asking my doctor when I could see Thomas or my co-workers. Every time she just smiled and said, "Soon."

I guess her definition of 'soon' was different from mine.

*1 Week Later*

"Kylie, Thomas can come and visit you now. He is here right now, in fact. Would you like to see him?" My mom asked him, my doctor standing beside her.

"Yes, yes please." I say quickly. The doctor nods and leaves with my mom. About thirty seconds later, Thomas hurries into the room and looks around for me.

Oh Thomas. A few spots on his hands and arms were burned, along with a little bit on his cheek.

It had been so long. I didn't know I had missed him this much.

His eyes find me, and he pauses.

"Kylie." He whispers. He walks toward me slowly, inspecting my face and arms and hands.

I guess I looked really bad to someone that hadn't seen me.

What did he think of me? Was he cringing on the inside? I wouldn't blame him if he was.

He stops beside my bed, and looks down at me.

"Thomas." I say in a croaky voice. I clear my throat, then say his name again. I didn't say anything else because I didn't know how he felt right now. I didn't know if he would want to hug me or something.

"Kylie..." He says again. "Kylie... I- I've missed you so much. I can't- I can't believe that- Oh Kylie."

He starts to reach for my hands, but then quickly pulls them away. He couldn't touch me. I don't think I could touch him.

What am I going to do now?

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