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Assalamu alaykum Sisters!

I hope you are able to make it for Tahajjud.

Sharing few more tips. In shaa AllaahTips for Tahajjud (contd)

4) Respond to Allah, He shall respond you:

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call (by obeying) and believe in Me that they may walk in right way."(Surah Al Baqarah, verse 186.)

Below is a sister's experience.

"If you listen to Allaah ( are obedient to his commands) during the day then He will listen to you at night. On the days when I do the right things, I get up on time for Tahajjud and amable to pray more Nafils and feel closer to my Lord and the days when I'm not so good, I end up praying lesser number of nafils Subhaanallaah."

5) Special Dua:

Think about something that you really want from Allah subhaana wa ta'laa, some problem that you would like Him to solve. Then remember that Tahajjud is the time when duas are accepted. This will serve as incentive for you to getup to pray.


Schedule all your major tasks of the day (including that things that you usually do after Isha) after Fajr. Our Prophet, peace be upon him, used to pray to Allah to put Barkat in the time after fajr for his Ummah. Make use of this time!

7) Beating the cold:

Keep a thermos of hot water ready at night for making wudoo, if you live in extreme cold place. And a hot water bottle if your electric blanket/room heater goes off during night because of power cut.(since many feel lazy to come out of the warm blankets)

to be continued...

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