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Last few tips for waking up at Tahajjud before we move to next chapter. In sha Allah

8) Set Atleast 3 Alarms:

One at the time you want to wake up, one 10 mins before the time, and one 5 mins after the time you want to wake up at. Nowadays Fajr happens around 5.30 am. If you wake up at 4:30 you can conveniently pray.

Its better you keep the alarm far away from your bed. So, that you have to get up in order to turn it off.

Isha: Make sure you do not delay Isha, unless there is some genuine reason. Salah offered on awwal time are dearer to Allah. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, answering the one who asked him which deed is most beloved to Allah, “Prayer done on time.” [Bukhaari and Muslim]


Your dinner has to be light. Do not over fill yourself. Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, taught his Ummah something to protect them from diseases caused by eating and drinking. He said, “The son of Aadam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Aadam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” [Termidi and Ibn Majah]

Try to have your dinner right after maghrib so that you can sleep early, in sha Allah.

11)Sunnah of Sleeping:

This include reciting all the duas and sleeping on right. It's Sunnah. There are certain sleep postures in which the shayateen have more effect on you. Like sleeping on your stomach. Avoid such postures.

12) Early to bed :

Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. If you wish to start your day with tahjjud, make sure you sleep early and shift all your night studies or other tasks to early morning.

13)Immediate Tasks:

a) The moment you are awake, ask Allah to help you in getting up.

b)Wipe your face and remove the traces of sleep. Its Sunnah.

c)Fold your bed and keep it aside.

d)Start reciting the morning azkaar.

14) Last touch:

e) Before going to washroom wash your hands and clean your nose thrice.

f) Make Wudhu and you are ready for salah.

Ponder and read the waking up dua. Alhumdulillahi Allathee ahyaanaa ba'da ma amatanaa wa ilyhin nushoor. Praise is to Allah Who gives us life after He has caused us to die and to Him is the return.

Sleep is just a little segment of that ultimate sleep. Waking up in the morning is a segment of that ultimate day.

In sha Allaah in upcoming chapter we'll see What is Tahajjud ?
What is the time to offer Tahajjud?

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