Heart beat

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Previously on Olicity:unstoppable: We head to my car, the warmth of our laughter in the air, but for some reason, it feels too perfect to be real.
Felicity's pov:
"I have no idea what to expect, so do me a favor and pretend not to notice, okay?" I tell Oliver as he pulls into the Verdant parking lot. He parks and looks to me when the car stops and smiles a perfect smile. "Only if you pretend not to notice that my date is way out of my league." Well, he sure does know how to charm a girl. I blush slightly and respond. "I will try." I say sarcastically.
We both get out and Oliver holds out his arm for me to take. We walk into the club and blaring music fills my ears.
It is completely packed. The lights are dark and bright at the same time and I feel a headache coming on. Oliver looks down to me and smiles. I feel like a complete child.
"Come on" Oliver tugs me with him toward the bar where Thea stands, next to the DJ. "Hey!" he yells to thea. "Hey!" she yells back. "So glad you guys could make it! Get whatever you want, it's on me!" she tells us. "Thanks!" Oliver yells back.
I am not sure I want to come back here. This probably wasn't the best idea.
We sit down at the bar and he looks to Me. "What do you like"
I shrug my shoulders, hoping he'll just get me whatever he has. Just as though he is reading my mind, he yells. " I don't know if you'll like what I like, but it's your call."
"Aren't you the one always trying to convince people to take risks?" I say in response. "Okayyy..." he orders two drinks with unusual names and hands me one. I take a sip and it tastes terrible. I cringe. "Uugh. You actually like this stuff?" I ask Oliver. He laughs at me and responds after taking a sip of his own. "Not exactly, but it does ease the nerves." He tells me.
"And why would you be nervous?" I ask without thinking. "Maybe because I was going to ask you to dance." I smile shyly. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be the best dance partner." I admit.
"Well, there isn't anyone else here I would want to dance with." He says, confidently. I blush, but he can't see in this lighting. "Alright... I guess I'll give it a shot." I surrender.
He stands from his stool and holds out his hand to me. I put my hand in his and he bows and kisses my knuckles like a prince, sarcastically. I giggle and he pulls me with him to the dance floor.
The music is fast. I don't know what exactly to do. I am an awkward little soul.
I step closer to Oliver and he smiles to me. "Just follow my lead, it's easy. Just dance like it's just you and me." His words are encouraging, but even if it was just Oliver and I, I would still be a horrible dancer!
"Okay, i'll try." I say loudly so that he can hear.
He takes my left hand, opposite of the side closest to him and pulls it closer to him, making me spin toward him. We join both hands and step outward and in. I think I'm actually getting the hang of this. I smile because I just can't help myself. "This is fun." I tell him. He smiles back and says, "I told you, you would get it."
Suddenly, the music stops and Thea's voice comes on the speakers. "We are gonna slow it down a bit, so grab a partner!"
A slow song called "Everything" comes on. "I love this song!" I tell Oliver.
"Me too...Come on, now I have to teach you how to slow dance."
He tells me. My heart beats a little faster as he brings me closer and puts his hands around my waist. I put my hands around his neck and look into his eyes.
I feel like his eyes are impossibly magical. They tell me so much about him and it's so easy to lose myself in them. I wonder what he's thinking as he stares back into mine.
He speaks, breaking the silence between us. "So... you step forward, I step back, and we repeat. Make sure that our feet are opposite or it will be a disaster." He talks slow, not looking away for even a second. He nods, signaling me to start moving and I follow him.
I step forward as he steps back and we repeat the process over and over again until it happens naturally. Wow. It's actually pretty easy.
I know there are lots of people around us, but I feel like we are the only ones in the room.
Cautiously, I turn my head to the side and lay it right under his shoulder (because that's as far as I can reach), and he leans his head down, his face pressed softly against my head. The moment is perfect.
I close my eyes and we sway to the music. I feel like I could just fall asleep right now. I have never felt so at peace.
After about two minutes without talking, Oliver says something into my ear, bring me out of my trance.
"Felicity, can I tell you something?"
I pull my head up and look at him. "Yeah?" I say softly.
"I love you." He says. I feel like his words engulf me. But I know that I feel the same way. I have just never spoken the words to him. My window of opportunity is coming to a close. This might be my only chance.
"I love you too." I smile shyly, not looking away from him. Our faces are only centimeters apart.
Without speaking, we both have the same idea. I close my eyes and we slowly touch lips and I feel a spark. A spark of surety that this was meant to happen; me and Oliver, ..us.
We deepen the kiss and passion comes from the both of us. He tightens his hands around my waist as I tighten mine around his neck, and we close any space between us, aching to be closer. Our mouths move in synchronization and we just kiss. His lips are like little pillow mountains and his short mustache scratches against my face in the best way. It feels so...right. I slide my hands down his arms and I can feel his muscles through his shirt. I feel like he is a part of me now, and I don't want it to stop, but I don't want to take things too fast.
Before things go further, I slow down the kiss and he does too. We slowly pull away and my eye lids lazily drift back open. I don't know what to say. He speaks for me. Oliver leans his head down and puts his mouth close to my ear, his mustache tickles my ear. I feel his warm breath on my face as he speaks. "Don't ever leave me, okay?" He says to me in a raspy whisper, so only I can hear. I get chills and this longing feeling returns in my stomach.
I stretch my neck up and whisper back to his ear (thanks to my heels and his slouch, I can reach.) : "I promise." I plant a small kiss on his cheek before pulling away and he looks different. He looks happier than usual, and I like to think that I'm to blame for that.
The music speeds up again and he grabs my hand and our fingers lock together.
Everything was absolutely perfect....but then we heard a bang.

That was when my fairytale turned into a horror story.

Not five feet in front of us, a young woman falls dead from a gunshot to the head. Screams erupt all around the club and the music stops. Then the room is silent. "Call 911!" Someone yells loudly. "Is there a medic or doctor here? Someone help her!" Someone else yells. "She's dead!" Someone else yells. Oliver runs to the woman's lifeless body and searches for a pulse. The entire time, I stand still, frozen completely, staring at the woman. Oliver looks to me and shakes his head, telling me she is dead. A single tear falls down my face as I see the identity of the woman. Blonde, beautiful, oh so familiar. I squeak a few words to Oliver. "Oh my God. " I say. I put my hand over my mouth. This can't be real. Oliver looks to me. "It's okay.." he tries to comfort me but I cut him off still frozen. He doesn't understand what's happening. "No, you don't get it...she's my...she's my sister."

I can't see anything because my vision is blurred from tears. I can't say anything, my voice box is drowned in fear. I can't hear anything because the sound of the bullet keeps repeating itself in my head. I can't think, because I can't believe she's dead.

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