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Previously on Olicity: Unstoppable :  I Crack a smile.
These are the times I'm probably gonna remember for the rest of my life, but I think we all know that they don't last forever.
Time goes on, but life's beautiful moments only last for so long.

Jason's been in town for two weeks and I feel like my apartment is shrinking by the minute!  Its not that I am not happy he came back, but I'm his sister, not his mother and I refuse to provide food and shelter for a grown man who can provide for himself.

I already have enough on my plate with 'Team Arrow' (as I like to call it) hunting down the Mafia... Yeah, remember that giant terrorist group who threatened to commit genocide on all of Starling? Well they are still on the loose. But you know, no big deal. I mean its not like a technician, a body  guard, and an archer can't take down thousands of mass murderers.. right?...right?.  "Uuugghhhh" I sigh out my stress louder than I mean. I am sitting at my desk in the IT department as I contemplate my life's problems and Paul, a peculiar colleague sitting near me looks at me with concern.
"Felicity?" he squeaks? The nerdy man was always awkward when we talked, but never a mean or annoying person, he was actually very nice, so I always did my best to show my nice side when he was around to return the favor. "Yeah, paul?"
"Don't take this the wrong way, but you sure look like you got a lot on your plate." I look to him and sigh shrugging my shoulders.
  "Well, your not wrong. I just feel like I can't think straight anymore. " I rest my head in my hands and put my elbows on my desk. "Uh, you know what I do when I got alot goin on?" Paul hesitantly asks me. I peek an eye out from my hands and look at him. "What do you do Paul?"

"I find the person that is the least amount of stress in my life and makes me happiest, and I forget everything else." I lift my head up and look at him skeptically.

     The man's got a point.
"You know Paul, you are right. Thankyou." I tell Paul with gratitude. His face immediately turns red and he cracks a shy smile. "Well, it was my pleasure." he responds, trying to hide his 'secret' feelings towards me.
I better get outta here before he passes out. Anyways, I have stress to relieve and a hubby to see. 😏
I stand in the elevator as it makes it's way to Oliver's floor at the top of the building. *ding* I step out of the elevator and walk  towards his office. Memories flood back into my mind of when he told me his secret. All those feelings rush back and all the love I have for him fills my heart once again, not that it ever left. I see him staring at a giant stack of papers on his desk through the glass walls of his office and smile.

  I don't know how he does it. Living a double life the way he does, I mean,  I guess that's what I do too but I feel like it is so different.
I tap lightly on the glass door until he looks up to see me.
He smiles and his eyes light up the same way mine do when I see him.
I open the door and walk towards his desk.
"Hey stranger." I say as he stands up from his desk. He smiles and responds."I missed you." I giggle.  "I saw you last night!" I inform him.
"Exactly. That's too long. I thought I was gonna die." He says. "I agree." I tell  him back.  Oliver walks toward me and   grabs my hand, pulling me closer to him.  I like where this is going.
Our bodies are so close whatever personal space I used to have is gone. Then, he speaks. "I really missed you Felicity." He whispers, his husky, low, seductive voice close to my ear, causing a shiver to run through my spine.  I move his head with my hand so I can look into his deep blue eyes and smile.  "I really missed you too, Oliver." He shifts his eyes back and forth from my eyes to my lips and I know exactly what he is thinking.  He reaches up and slowly takes off my glasses. I stare right into his eyes, no glass in between.
"Your eyes are beautiful, like oceans." he tells me, making my heart jump.
I bite my bottom lip, teasingly and his eyes light up. Before I can do anything else,  he meets his mouth to mine and kisses me passionately. With his hands around my waist, I melt in his arms.
All my worries drift away and everything is suddenly okay. No more stress. Just me and Oliver.
I can't help myself. There is too much longing inside of me right now.
   I shove Oliver back until his back meets the wall behind his desk, not parting my mouth from his. He smiles and kisses me harder and his hands slide to my hips, then my legs and in one swift motion, he picks me up and switches positions with me, pinning me against the wall. I could live in the moment forever. Our tongues wrestle and my fingers tussle his hair, both of us pouring out our love for I don't even know how long because I can't focus on the time right now. My skin tingles everywhere he touches and there is nothing like it in the world.

Just as we are about to lose ourselves, a throat is cleared, calling our attention. Oliver and I pull apart quickly and he sets me down.

Wide-eyed, we both look toward the noise to see Diggle formally dressed, alongside who looks to be some kind of Fancy police detective or officer.
All but more stress suddenly returns to my head, along with a bright blush I'm 100 percent positive.
"Well, Mr. Queen,  I apologize for interrupting you and your company,  but this is urgent." The officer shifts his eyes to me and I get the message that I should leave. This is so embarrassing.

I quickly exit the room and glance back at Oliver through the glass, noticing his aggervated expression, I smile.
Don't worry Oliver, we will continue this later.
I head to the elevator feeling like I forgot something and on the way, I smack into someone, making him drop the papers he was carrying. It was Paul. "Sorry, Paul! I'm such a clutz!"
"Oh no. Don't worry about it Felicity. It was my fault." he says as he bends down to retrieve his fallen papers.
I squat to help him and while picking up a paper, I catch a glimpse of  a familiar name: Mafia. What the heck is going on? "Paul, what is this? Where are you going with these?" I ask him.
"Oh that's..." he stops and stares at me.  "Woah." So confused and aching for answers, I ask "What??"

"I have just never seen you without your glasses. Your um.. Your eyes are beautiful.." Crap. My glasses. That's what I forgot! They're in Oliver's office!
I still can't leave this  topic though. I need to know whats going on here. "Thankyou. Now can we get back to the papers? What are you doing with these?" 
He begins to focus back on the papers and speaks. "Right. I was just told to deliver these to Mr. Queen when I got the chance."  He states quickly. "Why?" I ask.
"Oh I don't reall.." He pauses in the middle his sentence, looking behind me and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Oliver. "Oliver. Hi."
I say to him, surprised to see him. "You forgot your glasses." he unfolds them and puts them on my face for me. "Thanks. I was just about to go back there to get em."
"No problem. I think we were both a little too occupied to be thinking straight wouldn't you agree?" he says, then directs his attention to Paul who is just awkwardly listening in on our conversation.
"Well, hi there." he says to Paul, who looks bewildered and surprised. "Hello Mr. Queen. It's an honor." he says like he is meeting an actual Queen. Oliver looks uncomfortable and amused  at the same time.
"Uh.. Thankyou?" he then turns to me and speaks. "Listen, I gotta get back to Dig. Okay? We have alot to talk about. I'll see you tonight." He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks back to his office. I look over to Paul who is staring at me with his jaw dropped and eyes bigger than i have ever seen. "Paul don't do that." I tell him. "It's unprofessional." I continue as he fixes his face.
Paul looks to me then looks st the papers. "Oh I forgot! Mr. Queen needs these!" Paul says this with excitement probably because he has the opportunity to see Oliver again.
He begins to hurry off after him but I grab his arm. "Maybe you should wait a bit, Paul." Oliver definately doesnt need the stress right now and I want to see the information that he has before he gives it to Oliver. After all, i would be the one he gives it to first anyway.
"Why should I wait? Those men just left his office and this was sent on an urgent message." I look at Paul aggervatedly. "Listen, Paul. I know what I am saying." Then I use the brain cells God has blessed me with and appeal to Paul's emotions rather than his instincts.
I bat my eyelashes and make my lips pucker slightly and turn my face into a pouty face.
Paul's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly.
"Your right. Of of of course Fe-fe-fe-feliccity." My feministic magic has obviously taken it's rightful place in his brain.
Paul hands me the files. "Great. I'll get these to him, thanks!" and I scurry off, leaving a bewildered Paul, standing there. Poor guy. 😂

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