First day

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I open my eyes, but immediately close them again because of the bright light in the room. A small groan escapes my throat as I pull the covers over my head and surround myself in the darkness. I hate waking up in the mornings, the bright light always hurt my eyes. I slowly started to drift back to sleep again, but as I were about to fall into the beauty of my dreams, my mother called form outside my door. "(y/n), get up. You'll be late for school." I groan again before getting out from the safety of my covers. Thats right.. I moved from my old home, and now I were going to attend Iwatobi High School.

I sat up in the bed and looked around in my new room. The walls were green, and I had two windows. The walls were clean and empty, the complete opposite of my floor. Clothes and boxes I had yet to empty, were all over the floor. I let out a sigh before getting up from the bed to get dressed. My school uniform were on top of one of the boxes, neatly folded. I put on the white shirt, and the light brown skirt. After that I pulled the light gray vest over my head and fixed it to look nicer, after I did that, I piced up the red bow and tied it around my neck like it was supposed to. The blue stockings and the blazer were next. I walked closer to the mirror and studied my reflection. After a few seconds of staring at myself, I decided to tie my (h/l), (h/c) up in a ponytail (or any other hairstyle).

I looked around my room for my sketch book and pencils. I needed them to be able to even survive the first day at Iwatobi. Drawing was the only thing to keep me calm. You see.. I had a bit of a short temper. It was extremly easy to make me mad, and the only thing that could calm me down, was drawing. I had been drawing since I was a kid, and honestly, I had become really good at it too. After about five minutes of looking through boxes, I finally found it and quickly stuffed it into my bag. I rushed into the bathroom, which was conected to the bedroom, to brush my teeth.

(time skip!!!!!!!)

I stood outside my new school. It was much bigger then my old one. Which wasn't really weird, seeing as only like 400 students went to that school, and it didn't have any clubs, or teams. This one was a lot bigger, and probably had a lot of clubs and sports. I started to walk inside, but almost tripped and fell when this one guy almost ran me over. "I'm so sorry!" He said quickly before running off again. I didn't see much of the guy, only that he was tall, and he had light brown hair. And of what I saw, I could say he was quite handsome, but I couldn't say for sure since I only got a quick glimpse of him. I looked at my watch and saw that I was late. "No wonder that guy was in a hurry.." I mumbled as I continued to the class I were supposed to be in. Me and my mom had gone here the day before to get all my books and my class schedule.

I stood outside the door to the class for a moment. I was nervous, the thought of having to stand in front of the entire class to introduce myself was terrifying. Ever since kindergarden I had been that shy kid who always sat alone, and never talked to others. Talking had never been on my strong side. I usually let all my emotions out on paper. As I was about to knock, the door suddenly opened and there was the teacher. "Oh, hello. You must be the new student." She said with a smile. I nodded. "Come on in and introduce yourself to the rest of the class." She basically dragged me into the classroom.

Everyone locked their eyes on me as I entered the classroom. I stood in front of them all and froze. I forgot everything for a quick moment. My name, where I came from, everything. "Introduce yourself now." The teacher said. I cleared my throat. "H-hello. I'm (l/n) (y-y/n), I'm from (where you're from)." I stuttered and bowed quickly. The teacher put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Okay, (y/n). You can go sit next to Matsuoka-san. Raise your hand." She said as she looked at the class. A girl with long burgundy hair, tied up in a ponytail, and red eyes raised her hand. She smiled at me as I walked over and sat down at the desk beside hers. "Hi, I'm Matsuoka Gou, but I'd like it better if you called me Kou." She put out her hand and smiled at me. I introduced myself to her, again, and shook her hand.

(After Class)

I closed my sketch book and was about to put it in my bag when Gou slammed her hand over it, preventing me from doing so. I looked up at her, shocked. "Did you draw all those pictures in that book?!" She asks me, completly serious. I nodded and looked down at her hand on my book. She grabbed the book and took it from my desk. "Hey!" I said and stretched out my hand to grab it, but Gou held it out of my reach. She opened the book and looked at the drawings with wide eyes. "Wow.." She said and flipped the page to look at another drawing, it was a drawing of my father. "These are beautiful." She said as she studied the picture. I stood up and grabbed the book. "I-it's not meant for anyone to look at." I said and put the book in my bag. "I'm sorry, I just saw you draw sometihing in class and wanted to see what it was." She said and looked down at her feet. "Well.. You did.." I answered and rubbed the back of my neck. "Who was the person you drew?" Gou looked at me again, but this time with cutiosity in her big, red eyes. I looked away from her. "My dad.." I answered before rushing out of the classroom.

I wiped away a few tears that had escaped my eyes as I hurried out of the classroom. I didn't want Gou, or anyone for that matter, to see me cry. I suddenly felt someone grab my wrist and turned around. It was Gou. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look at it.. But you're really good at drawing, (l/n)-chan." She tells me with a smile. I wiped away another tear before thanking her. "Hey, are you crying?" She asks me as she looks into my eyes. I look away from her, not answering her question. "Is something wrong?" She continues to ask. "I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to start crying.. It's just.. M-my father..." I started to sob. Gou understood, and quickly dragged me into the girls bathroom.

She grabbed some paper and gave it to me. "I'm sorry.. It was rude of me to look at your book, and ask so many questions." She said as I grabbed the paper and blew my nose into it. "It's fine.." I said and wiped away more tears with the back of my hand. Gou looks down at her feet again. I understood what she wanted to ask. I sighed. "My father died a few years ago, in a car accident.." I struggle to keep myself from sobbing again, but it doesn't work. I start crying, and I couln't stop. I know it was a while ago, but it still hurt like it happened only a year ago. I feel Gou wrap her arms around me. "I'm sorry. You didn't have to tell me that." She said. I shook my head slightly. "It's okay... It feels somewhat better to talk to you..." Gou lets go of me and smiles. "Hey, how about you and I go for some ice cream after school. I'll pay. It's just so I don't feel so bad for making you cry like that." She smiles and hands me some more paper. I smile at her and nod. "But it's not your fault, Matsuoka-chan, don't worry." I reassure her. She shakes her head. "Call me Kou."


HEEEEY! Thanks for reading the first chapter :D What did you think? I don't really know if it's that good, but if you have any ideas for the story you are more then welcome to share them :D Please, if you want to read more, add the story to your library, and if you want please vote too :D

FUN FACT: I noticed a lot of people commenting "wrist watch" and I was so confused. Like isn't that what it's called? I legit spent half an hour thinking about it before I had to punch myself in the face. It's not called wrist clock... it's called a watch.. I'm so stupid xD
But it's fixed now. Hopefully..

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