Better than the teacher?

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I woke up the next day, feeling exited that I'm going to join the art club. I jump out of the bed and take a quick shower. After that I throw on my uniform and put my hair up in a ponytail. I stuff my sketch book and my pencils in my bag and walk downstairs to eat breakfast.

To my big surprise mom was sitting on the couch reading a book instead of standing in the kitchen doing stuff. "That's different." I say as I look at my mom. She looks up from her book and smiles. "Good morning, sweet heart." She says. I smile at her and say Good morning back before walking into the kitchen to get some food in my system.

(At school!!!!)

When I enter the school Gou tackles me so I fall on the floor with her on top of me. "Wha!" I scream as I fall face first on the floor. "Great start on the day.. Thank you Kou.." I say sarcastically. She gives a nervous laugh before getting up and helping me. "Gomen, (y/n).." She scratches the back of her head.

"It's fine, whats with the excitement?" She starts jumping around and squealing. "Kou..? Earth to, Kou? Are you there?" I wave a hand in front of her face to get her attention. "(y/n)! I don't even know!" She says loudly. "Umm.... ok?" She was the weirdest creature I've ever seen.. how is it even possible to be this weird. 

(at lunch)

"I hate you (y/n)" Gou pouts and crosses her arms. I laugh. "Hey, you lost! I won fair and square." The others look at us with amused smiles on their faces, apparently they thought us competing against each other was fun. "But you're smarter than me, (y/n)! You should have picked something I could have a shot at winning!" I laugh at her and shake my head. 

"Sorry, Kou. But you know you could have won! You just didn't try had enough." I smile, clearly happy with myself. I never really win anything, so this was very special to me. Even if I was close to losing that one time, but we don't talk about that.

"But it wasn't fair! Reiiiiiii! Why did you ask so many questions about art!?" She glares at Rei with a look that could rip him in half if it had hands. "I made sure (y/n) won because she forgot her lunch.. It's only fair that she would get the sandwich." He stated. "And anyway, you have lunch, what would you do with all that food?" Gou shrugged. "Not give it to (y/n) as a punishment for leaving us for the art club."

I look at her with wide eyes and put a hand over my heart and look hurt. "Kou! I thought we were friends!" Looking away from her I notice Haru staring at me again. It's kind of weird that I find him staring at me all the time, but I guess it's normal behavior from Haru.  Gou put her hands on my shoulder and sighed.

"(y/n).... we are friends, but you're leaving us, and that's not acceptable. We respect you and want you to be happy, but this... THIS!" She lets go of my shoulder and throw her hands up in the sky. "We want you to do whatever you want! bUt you're leaving us!" She sighs dramatically. I laugh at her. "I'm not leaving forever... We're still gonna hang out during lunch, and after school when we don't have any club things going on. And I might even join you guys when you go to tournaments."

Everyone's eyes light up, even Haru's, as I say that. They must have thought that I would be too busy with my own stuff to be with them. How sad, they're my friends and I wouldn't give that up for anything. I smile at them, and right then the bell rings in to class. 

We all start walking to our separate classes. "What class do you have now?" Gou asks me as I look at my new schedule. "Art's class." I look up at her and see her sighing. "At least we know you'll be the best artist there." She smiles and ruffles my hair. We laugh before splitting up.

(in class)

The class started and our teacher entered the classroom. He was a short, round man with kind eyes and little hair on his head. He wore a white button up shirt and black pants. "Good day class." He greeted us. His eyes scanned the class to look for people who might be gone, when he notices me he smiles.  "Looks like we have a new student attending our class now, eh?" He asks. He sounds really nice too. 

Everyone averts their eyes to me, and I feel the pressure. "Whats your name and why do you wish to take this class?" He asks me. I clear my throat before answering. "My name is (l/n) (y/n), I wish to take this class to improve my art and maybe learn new drawing techniques." I answer.  The teacher nods and smiled. 

"Do you mind showing us your art?" He asks me with a smile. My heart starts beatintg and I get nervous. I don't like showing my drawings to people I don't trust, but I guess I have to. I pull out my sketch book and open in to the first drawing of the swim club. 

The teachers eyes widens as he studies my work. He picks up my book and looks at it closer. "Amazing.." He almost whispers. "Such clean lines, and deatailed faces and bodies. You can see the intense focus on their small faces." He says a little louder. He looks through the other drawings, which freaked me out a little. I haven't been so into details on a few of them because I got lazy.

"These are amazing. It's like real art work. I'm impressed." He looks back at me with a clearly impressed look on his face, he almost looked like he was about to fangirl like Gou does when she sees muscles. "T-thanks.." I answer shyly as I take the book back. The round man looks at the rest of the class with a happy smile on his face.

"To those who are in the art club, with her on our team, we might win this years art competition!" He exlaims. Some people in the class start whispering happily to each other. I sink down in my chair due to the attention I get. "You are joining the arts club, right?" The teacher asks me. I nod my head and look down at the desk.

After a while of the teacher either talking about a competition or the new project we have to do, we finally get to start working. We had to make a small gallery of drawings of something we choose for ourselves. We have to go out and find something we want to draw, and all the drawings had to have the same kind of motive. If you chose to draw flowers you had to draw flowers on all the drawings. We had to draw at least 6 drawings to the gallery.

I already knew what I wanted. I was going to draw activities on the school, and obviously I chose swimming. This way I could spend time with the club after school because I had to draw them. I smiled to myself thinking about this. I was allowed to draw the swim club to the competition as well, so that made everything easier.

I decided I should text Gou and tell her about my assignment. She answered right away with all the fangirly emojis and random letters. Apparently she was happy about this.


OMG! DO I REALLY HAVE 1K READS!??!?!? OMFG! I have no idea how that even happened omg! HOLY FREAKING WALL MARIA! BY THE LOVE OF POSEIDON!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in class right now and I'm trying so hard to not freak out, like omg! OMGGGGG!!!!!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!? Holy shit... I need to calm down xD 

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