*forgets to add title*

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I wake up the next morning with a stinging pain in my ankle. I let out a quiet hiss before sitting up in my bed and moving the blanket to take a look at the ankle. Swollen, red, and hurting. Obviously... The gods are against me.

After a while of mentally complaining about the world, my ankle and how the gods suddenly decided to hate me this much, I get up and limp into my bathroom. I search through my cabinet until I find an almost empty plate of painkillers. I'll have to find more after school. 

I down the pill with some water. After that I just stand there for a minute, before brushing my hair and tying it in a high ponytail. Later I walk out of the bathroom and put on my uniform. I do not look forward to walking to school. 

While walking downstairs I hear my mom talking on the phone. "Oh thats awfully kind of him. But why isn't he already at school?" I hear her ask. I choose to ignore the rest of the conversation and just get some food and be done so I can suffer on my way to school.

Five minutes has gone by and I was still eating. Mom enters the kitchen and smiles. "Honey, Levi is coming going to drop you off at school today." I look up at her a little surprised. "Why isn't he at Samezuka?" She shrugs at my question. "He was too tired to drive there last night.

"At least he's trying to be a brother for you, be a little happy." I nod. "Sorry, mom. I just would have thought he would have left yesterday, or earlier this morning." She shook her head. "When he woke up earlier his father suggested he took you to school on the way to Samezuka."

She pauses. "He'll be a little late anyway, at least now he'll have a good excuse." She smiles. "He'll be here in five minutes by the way, so hurry up." I nod and finish my breakfast quickly before walking upstairs as fast as I can with this damn pain.

After brushing my teeth and getting my backpack ready, with obviously my sketchbook and pencils and other stuff, I walk back downstairs and put on my shoes. "(y/n), honey. He's outside, he Just sent me a text." 

"Ok, bye mom, love you." I say, she replies back with an 'I love you too' before I hurry outside. As I walk towards the car I notice that he doesn't look too happy. "Hurry up brat." I hear him say. Rolling my eyes I sit down in the passenger seat. "I expected you to be outside already when I arrived."

"Whatever, just drive already." At that we're on our way to Iwatobi High. Levi drops me off outside the school gate, and when I exit the car, he stays for a minute to make sure I get inside ok. I have no idea why though. 

When I get to the door I turn around for a moment to see him drive away, and when he's gone, I walk inside and immediately hurry to the nurse's office. I knock twice before hearing someone say enter. As I enter I am met with a tall lady with blonde hair in a braid hanging over her shoulder and green eyes.

"What can I help you with?" She asks with a sweet smile. "Umm... Well.. I was wondering if you could do something about my ankle..?" She points at the bench. "Sit down and I'll take a look at your ankle." I sit down and wait for a minute before she walks over and takes off my shoe and sock. 

Her eyes widens a bit when she sees the swollen ankle. "How did this happen?" She ask. "Well.. My ankle has been weird for years, so it randomly hurts sometimes." I say with a shrug. "I don't know how though, it just decides to torture me whenever it wants to." 

She nods as she examines my ankle. "Have you been to the hospital to check it out?" She looks at me. I shake my head. "No, or.. well.. yes, but they couldn't do anything about it." "I should call your parents..." I didn't even let her finish that sentence. "Please don't. I don't want my mom to know about this, she'll just worry and I don't want her to." 

The nurse shook her head in disapproval. "It's not good to keep this a secret. But fine, if you don't want me to tell then I won't. You'll have to do that yourself sooner or later anyway." She sighs. "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about this other than recommend not using the ankle so much." 

I nod my head yes before I was allowed to leave. As I walked, or limped, out into the hallway I was met with Gou's scream. "(y/n)!!!!!!" She almost jumps on me, but I manage to move a little to the left so she almost hits the wall. "Hey!"

I giggle. "What's up Kou?" She pouts for a second before her face breaks out into a gigantic smile. "I'm so excited for the tournament!" I laugh at her excitement. And we start walking to class. Gou looks down at my foot and notices my limp. "(y/n)..?" She asks looking up at me. 

I look over at her. "hmm?" She looks a little concerned. "Why are you limping?" I freeze. Shit..... "Ummm.." Excuse, excuse... Come on brain! Think of something! "Don't you dare lie to me! What happened!?" She asks. Her big red eyes stare into mine, and I can feel the concern she feels. 

Finally I sigh, and explain everything to her as we continue walking to class, slowly now. "Oh my god... Are you alright?" I nod. "Yeah.. This is normal..." She opens the classroom door for me and we both enter. "But don't tell the others please, I don't want them to worry." I look at her with begging eyes.

She hesitates before nodding. "Fine.." We sit down in our seats, and a minute later the class starts.


Eeeeyyyyyy! xD I thought I had a writers block for a second there XD omg xD Why do I keep writing fanfics in class instead of doing my actual school work...? ._.  xD Oh well, who cares. I'm just gonna continue writing fanfics until I die xD 

What the heck am I even doing anymore omg I'm so weird... xD

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