Chapter Two

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The maiden was in peak physical condition. She scaled the fifty foot rope with ease. Not one bead of sweat lined her amber coloured  brow. She was dressed in hunting garb and boots of the climbing variety. She looked boyish standing next to Ravenna who was adorned in a lavender dress with violets in her braid. She announced herself as Evelin, Eve for short, for Evelin had a more feminine ring about it. Ravenna decided that she was friend, not foe. If she had been an enemy, she would already have used one of her pointed arrows nestled in the soft brown leather quiver. They seemed to be acquaintances for life, even though they had barely spoken. Ravenna desperately wished to spend a lazy day in the meadow. Eve chose to help Ravenna climb down the rope. There was one problem, Ravenna had an ironic fear of heights. Eve hastily fashioned a harness using a spare belt. Ravenna was to pull the harness on like a pair of pants. The dress proved this to be a difficult task. Luckily, Eve just so happened to have an extra pair of hunting clothes, along with the climbing boots. Ravenna hurriedly put her extremely long hair into a quadruple bun. She mustered all of the courage in her little heart as she approached the verge of the window. With efforts later deemed brave, she repelled down alongside Eve. Sensing the tears welling up in her eyes, she wiped them away. Ravenna should not cry because she had just conquered her fear of heights. The maidens spent the day lounging and playing in the meadow. Ravenna decided to take a swim. She removed her boots and jacket, then jumped in. The cold water encompassed her. As she came up for a breath of air, she noticed something strange. Dark clouds  covered the sky like a quilt. Another dark formation filled the sky, along with ground. A massive cyclone was heading there way. She ran to get Eve, not even caring about the droplets of water rolling down back, from her wet hair. Eve was still dozing in the meadow. Ravenna held Eve in her arms gingerly. Only then did she realize the crack in the treehouse foundation. She could not believe that she had repelled down the rope while the treehouse was cracking. Ravenna remembered her mother telling her about a storm cellar behind the house. She ran like her life depended on it, which it did.

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