Meet the Fab Five: They don't know each other to begin with...yet.

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Karla Camila Cabello. She's a shy, introverted girl who spends most of her time reading, and rereading, her favorite books in the library and being alone. Being raised with people she can't understand, literally, she grew up to be quiet and she wanted to stay like that until she dies. After sixteen years of existence, she thinks that she can make it through high school without encountering any dramas. And she is wrong.

Holy shit, she's waving at me. I don't even know her. She probably doesn't even know me. She's probably waving at the person behind me. Yes, she is. She is waving at the person behind me. Should I be kind of disappointed? No, I'm not. Even just a little? No. Camila Cabello is okay without the aid of anyone. Do you think it's time to be outgoing? Probably, but right now I am completely okay with being alone...I think I'm just going to read this book in a more secluded place so I can cry peacefully when Augustus dies.

"Karla, hey," Holy shit, she was waving at me. I can't believe it. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. What am I going to do? Gather yourself Camila and just say 'hi'. It's just one syllable Karla, you can do it. Come on Camila, don't be such a twat.

"H-hi," Holy shit. It's just one syllable, how do you manage to fuck it up like every single time. You're going to die with no friends Camila. That's lonely. But on the bright side, no friends means no drama and no drama means no stressful occurence and that means, you're not going to have gray hairs. Yes! That's good.

"Do you have plans tonight? My friend and I are going to study for the test tomorrow, do you want to join us?" Holy fuck, she just asked me to hang out. I can't believe it. I'm going to say yes. I'm going to say yes. But what about drama-free life? Think, Karla, think. And fast! She's going to think you're a weirdo. Oh my God, just say yes!

"Uhm..." What the hell, woman up Camila! "...I..." Sure! I'd love to. Do you want me to bring snacks? JUST SAY THOSE WORDS CAMILA.

"I...uh, I completely understand that you don't want to go. I'm sorry for distracting you from...uh... reading. I got to go," What? And now she's leaving. Okay, you just ruined your chance of having a friend. And probably the chance of passing the math test tomorrow. Just bury your face in your book like all those times. Just do it and let your shame eat you alive. Or you can tell her that you actually want to go. Her table isn't really that far. OR...just read the book, Camila. Just read the book.

Allyson Hernandez. She's a kind girl who grew up in a religious household and takes responsibility with those beliefs. Ever since she was a kid, Allyson prays every night to keep her, her family, and her track record clean and away from harm. Senior high school at the age of nineteen, she thinks that she is responsible enough to never get in trouble until she graduates. But she never knew what is coming for her.

Oh. Where did I put my Bible? I should've placed it somewhere. Oh no, my mother is going to kill me if I lost that. Oh Jesus, help me. Wait, is that my Bible? Oh God, thank Jesus, Dana is holding it. Oh no, it's not mine. Oh God, where did I put it? The teacher is calling me. She probably knows where I put it.

"Hey Allyson, help me with the boxes?" Of course! I'd love to help everyone who ever needs help. And because of this good deed, I will earn another gold bar in heaven. It's no joke, my mother told me that every good deed you do is equal to a gold bar up there. And it's also good for my track record for college so I can get into a good university, have a great job, get married and have kids, and have a good and easy life.

"Sure Mrs. Reid!" I can never thank God enough for providing me a good life and a good family who supports each other. And also a great school to go to. And great people to work with so I decide to help everybody the best I can.

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